..So I've recommended this site before to co-workers and older folks any time they don't understand some of the things Brent and I discuss at the office...i.e. Red Rockets, Blumpkin, Donkey Punch, and the like....ever try looking up other stuff? I know it's like Wikipedia where ppl can create their own definitions for words, but some of these ppl come up with some off-the-wall stuff...

..some others include:
sorry for the lengthy post...thought screenshots would punch it up a bit..
Here's my favorite definition of Geoff:
i think someone once told me a Geoff is a pirate oppossum with 6 legs that is a crew member of most serpentine space vessels. They're astrophysicists most of the time...but not usually. They have a diet of mostly girraffe eggs and rhinocerous bladders and are none too pleasant to speak with if you just happen to be a fucking dumbass...they eat those bagels heads like licorice...chocolate licorice.
Griff, how could you leave this one off for yourself?
Teenager boy who is subject to anal sex with obese older men.
And if you use my real name there is only one definition.
A Legend. Fantastic Guy
WOW! this is impressive research!!!
to smack one with ones penis
Haha gosh i was wondering how i got the name
LOL- guys take note and girls think of me the next time you're being intimate and experiencing what urban dictionary only describes as the...
A truly rare and special moment in one's life when everything you have previously experienced seems to lead to this moment.
"Lying next to her gazing deep in her eyes felt fantastic. I almost had one of these gorecki-moments."
LMAO...I always suspected Rosey was more than just a catchy name
1. kevin 2502 up, 1036 down
basicilly a kid with a huge dick. looks great, smells great, and all the ladies want him. great at sports also. great sense of humor.
Gee i am so jealous of Kevin, with three girls around his arm.
4. kevin 954 up, 471 down
A Portuguese slang for penis
"Woah thats a big kevin"
5. kevin 843 up, 406 down
a male that performs great intercourse on a female
the other night my boyfriend performed "kevin" on me
6. kevin 689 up, 430 down
someone who has probably porked your mom
Dude,that kevin is all over your mom
7. Kevin 267 up, 81 down
An amazing guy who is so funny, and wonderful. Someone who can brighten anyone's day no matter how sad they are. He's sweet, and handsome. He can be sarcastic but he gets it from me, well some of it. He gets scared of nonscary things, and he has an amazing sense of style with wicked hair to accompany it. His smile is adorable, and his laugh is too. He smells like heaven, even though I don't know the exact name of the cologne he uses. I can pretty much say that I'm in love with this guy, entirely. His name means more to me than it would to anyone else, and I'm pretty sure of that.
Wow, Kevin is such a great guy.
1. rollo
In spanish slang , something boring.
Esa película es un rollo
That film is boring
Qué rollo de tío!
What a boring guy!
aburrido boring coñazo lata peñazo
by fonsucu Jul 10, 2008 share this
2. Rollo
A chocolate candy that has caramel in the middle. It's very tasty, especially around Christmas time.
Guy "I'm sorry I wasn't at your game I was eating Rollo's."
Guy 2 "Oh, that's ok then."
by ?????? Allen May 23, 2005 share this
3. Rollo
State of contentiousness, anger, acompanied by general malaise, or perhaps an acute hangover. Refers to existential psychologist Rollo May who suffered from tuberculosis and was thrown out of at least one college for his activities.
"I'm wakin up out of my slumber feeling like Rollo
So follow, it's Showtime at the Apollo minus the Kiki Shepards" from OutKast, Stankonia
Mine were all really nice...guess that just proves my awesomeness...jeanette's were really funny tho :)
cherrybag - the best
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