***Warning I am the worst artist. But since the ref's and the ligers can't seem to get their shit straight, I figured I should make a rendition of the play in both reality and the Wormhole that has formed.***

Frame #1
You can see Alicia on her way to 2nd base. Chandler is the fielder with the ball about to tag the runner(me) out.
Frame #2
During the act of tagging the runner, Chandler loses the ball and it ends up near the Liger bench area. Alicia is clearly safe at 2nd base. Chandler scrambles to pick up the ball. Chandler returns the ball to the pitcher

Frame # 3 In Liger words. But while Alicia (God bless her soul) reached second base safely, someone on the Ligers said something to the extent of: "hey you gotta go back to first." With her unassuming and trusting nature, she begins to walk back. BAM! Christopher pegs her. Two outs. All the guys on BnD got instant erections.
UL = Unnamed Liger, who told Alicia to leave the base.
Frame #4 - All hell breaks loose. The 1st Calvary outflanks The Barbarians, The Huns are somehow involved. Ligers claim the pitcher never had the ball and someone else (2nd baseman, outfielder who ran in etc) hit Alicia.
The Wormhole everyone woke up in this AM

Frame # 1 - You can see Alicia on her way to 2nd base. Chandler is the fielder with the ball about to tag the runner(me) out. Pitcher is now making his way behind/toward 2nd base, because one 2nd baseman isn't enough? "and our pitcher had the ball... at second base." & "He was at second because he was backing up the throw."
Frame # 2 - During the act of tagging the runner, Chandler loses the ball and it ends up near the Liger bench area. Chandler scrambles to pick up the ball. Alicia is clearly safe at 2nd base, yet still Chandler guns the ball all the way from the sidelines to 2nd base in an attempt to get someone out who is already clearly safe, misses the 2nd baseman, the pitcher backing up 2nd base gets it.

Frame #3 - In Liger words. But while Alicia (God bless her soul) reached second base safely, someone on the Ligers said something to the extent of: "hey you gotta go back to first." With her unassuming and trusting nature, she begins to walk back. BAM! Christopher pegs her. Two outs. All the guys on BnD got instant erections.
UL = Unnamed Liger, who told Alicia to leave the base.
Frame # 4 - All hell breaks loose. The 1st Calvary outflanks the Huns, somehow The Barbarians are involved. Ligers now claim the pitcher did have the ball, and he pegged a girl who was walking 4 feet away.
lol. too ridiculous to argue/correct. top notch effort as well!
See Chandler, I told you! You need to use the word "allegedly" in these postings. David/UL said he didnt say anything and all I was doing was complaining that you let Bito bitch slap the ball out of your hands at first. If it is true that there was another "unknown liger" somewhere on the grassy knoll shouting these things, they have yet to be identified. I think all we can take away from this is don't listen to anyone besides the umpire. That would be like trying to justify that you didnt run to first because the other team called the ball foul. Lets all move on and get prepared to bitch about the calls at the tournament and not wear ourselves out with this one.
come on Mike... the horse ain't dead yet... so lets continue to beat it!
what I'm hearing is we should be DQ'd for having a 12th Liger in the field... Mr. UL.
I just wish those people out there reading this NOT on Your Mom or the Ligers will post up a recap of their games.
come on people! you've let a perfectly good Friday slip by!
I think the location was more SS - Left Fielder...That drawing implicates the voice came from my direction and I had a beer in my hand so I doubt I even knew the ball was in play
I feel like I need to admit new evidence in this ongoing investigation.
I think the voice might have actually been my ass. He's been know to just blurt out stuff and yell at girls base-running. Usually he just says things like, "nice kick.... go make me a sandwich, bitch," but apparently he's been reading the rules and is now self aware.
I hope he doesn't cause any issues should I ref a tournament game. And my sincerest apologies to Bito, Alicia and Your Mom if the voice was in fact him.
Bito, It doesn't matter if the pitcher had the ball behind second base. The play is only dead if the Pitcher has the ball on or near (within a few feet) of the Pitchers mound.
Ask nate. TBN screwed us on that fact on Thursday.
I think Bito is saying the pitcher WAS on the mound... while the rest of the world is claiming that he wasn't.
Rest of the World 1, Bito 0.
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