Tuesday, October 12, 2010

10 Things We Learned In Vegas

So, it's been a few days since our return. While my fellow ballics are still recovering from our epic weekend and trying to remember taking certain pictures that somehow ended up on facebook, I thought I'd give a little recap of a few things we learned in Vegas.

1. Apparently a bin full of babies followed by a group of drunks wearing matching shirts that say "Wolfpack" don't phase TSA once bit. But make sure you don't bring a bottle opener in your carry-on like Angie did or they'll think you're connected to Al-Qaeda.

2. If you fall asleep on the plane next to someone who has the Cat Paint app on their iphone, this WILL happen to you:

3. Give Eflo enough alcohol and he'll say "HI GUYS!" to just about anyone and make new friends.

4.. The Alcobitches know how to throw one hell of a bachelorette party!

5. Give Teneille your camera and she'll take multiple pictures of herself with it. This same picture ended up on several cameras:

6. Angie can eat a 4 person serving of mashed potatoes in about 60 seconds.

7. If you fall asleep at 10:00 on a Friday night, you WILL get your room broken into and woken up at 3:30 a.m. by people who have been drinking since 10:00...10:00 the day before, that is.

8. Since it's Vegas, it's only necessary to take limos everywhere you go...including rolling up to the fields in one. Use the shuttle? Hell no - that's for amateurs.

9. According to Vegas standards, there is absolutely nothing gay about this picture:

10. The Alcoballics can rock a theme game better than any other WAKA team...ON EARTH!


M. Gorecki said...

For those of you scoring at home thats Miss Nevada aka Kyle in the background of pic number 9. I cant decide who's the most disturbing in this pic.

Geoff said...

I love kyle in the BG... classic!

trinihic said...

AMAZING!!! I love it... Hey #1 should be Rymille... hehehehe

Maria said...

Great Job representing out there Ballics. Boop, Proud of you!

Angie AKA Clam, HJ, ... said...

Welcome to a week ago Angie! I just read this, great job Brie! Haven't gotten that bottle opener, I wonder if Al-Qaeda caught on, dammit!