1. Apparently a bin full of babies followed by a group of drunks wearing matching shirts that say "Wolfpack" don't phase TSA once bit. But make sure you don't bring a bottle opener in your carry-on like Angie did or they'll think you're connected to Al-Qaeda.

2. If you fall asleep on the plane next to someone who has the Cat Paint app on their iphone, this WILL happen to you:
3. Give Eflo enough alcohol and he'll say "HI GUYS!" to just about anyone and make new friends.

4.. The Alcobitches know how to throw one hell of a bachelorette party!

5. Give Teneille your camera and she'll take multiple pictures of herself with it. This same picture ended up on several cameras:

6. Angie can eat a 4 person serving of mashed potatoes in about 60 seconds.
7. If you fall asleep at 10:00 on a Friday night, you WILL get your room broken into and woken up at 3:30 a.m. by people who have been drinking since 10:00...10:00 the day before, that is.

8. Since it's Vegas, it's only necessary to take limos everywhere you go...including rolling up to the fields in one. Use the shuttle? Hell no - that's for amateurs.

9. According to Vegas standards, there is absolutely nothing gay about this picture:

10. The Alcoballics can rock a theme game better than any other WAKA team...ON EARTH!

For those of you scoring at home thats Miss Nevada aka Kyle in the background of pic number 9. I cant decide who's the most disturbing in this pic.
I love kyle in the BG... classic!
AMAZING!!! I love it... Hey #1 should be Rymille... hehehehe
Great Job representing out there Ballics. Boop, Proud of you!
Welcome to a week ago Angie! I just read this, great job Brie! Haven't gotten that bottle opener, I wonder if Al-Qaeda caught on, dammit!
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