Friday, March 11, 2011

Ligers Tie Growlers to Remain Undefeated; Ignore That Whole "Loss" Issue

I'm walking a little funny this morning after getting pounded in the ass by the officiating last night.

The Growlers played a great game and took a legitimate 3-1 lead heading into the last inning.  The Ligers had some hope, since the inning coincidentally began with the top of their order.  In the process of scoring two runs to tie the game, a close (aka: blown) call at first base gave the Growlers the outs they needed to close the inning 3-3.

Liger D is quite large... so the kids in blue weren't worried despite allowing the lead-off guy on base.  The next girl however... another close (blown) call at first allowed Growlers on 1st and 2nd with no outs.  Fast-forward a few kickers, and the bases were loaded with 2 outs and Rob up to kick.

Paige then walked him.  That's right... it was a walk-walk-off.  Game over.

It was also the SECOND time in the game that Paige walked Rob with the bases loaded.  I guess any time she sees a dude name "Rob" she immediately wants to start giving him gifts while allowing him to score all over her.  Hey... some people have weird fetishes.

After the game, our ref (Trevor) came up to reiterate that his calls were correct.  I'm OK with that... because I'll go to my grave believing that they were horribly wrong.  My issue is not the calls itself, but rather: how can someone 60 feet away looking down a parallel angle judge a timing play at first base?  That set-up is asking for controversy.  And I do NOT blame the refs for this.  They're doing the best they can with what they have.

Bull and I personally helped ref the first two games on Field 2.  Yet nobody stayed late to help our game.  This really has to change.  I'm suggesting a few things today, including giving teams that don't provide refs a Tyrus (aka: 0.5 points deducted from your standings).  We used to call these "Paper Forfeits."  I don't think GKB will take this route, since they're afraid releasing the Tyrus will cause the entire league to start lying and playing dumb when confronted with facts.  Science has yet to prove this is contagious though.

The "Kegger," however, is quite contagious.
So anyway... Growlers got lucky. And any other team that doesn't provide help for the refs deserves dick punches. It's complete bullshit for people to say the officiating sucks, when those same people don't help out.  One person can not accurately call an entire game behind home-plate. KBS has refs at the pitchers mound... and they still suck and miss runs coming across the plate (while they're watching the play in the field).  No help = bad calls. 

Dick punches = your future.


Paige said...

I will be sure to clean the pipes before next weeks less than 33 seconds!

FRANK said...

I think the issue with providing refs is that it was never really set in stone. We talked about how it would be nice, and we've had people ref here and there, but we need to make it official.. not sure if Johnny could send out a league wide email stating that, but I think it would help. I usually end up reffing, but this was our first 715 game and we wanted to get to the bar early before our hour drive home.

FRANK said...

I think we need to send out a league wide email because not all the teams check this website. From there the captains can assign duties, just like we did before

Chandler said...

Dick punches!

Anonymous said...

Paige, was that cop's name Rob, too?

The OC provides refs for our game already by way of arguing every call, but we'll provide one or two for another game as well next week.

E-FLO said...

We all should be used to reffing each others' games anyway. Send an email out to the Captains Bing, I'm sure no one will bitch.

bull said...

The great part is that all the captains voted on, and approved providing refs...but in typical American fashion votes don't count. Have the Ligers provided refs every game? Nope, but then again we've only been provided refs for one inning of one game. We tried to start a revolution last night by reffing for two games but sadly nothing caught on.

E-FLO said...

I'll be happy to ref moving forward and will recruit Ballics to help...Sorry for bailing on you guys last night.

Chandler said...

Bull... you have NO idea how glad I am that you left early last night. If you watched that last inning... I don't think there was a cooler on that field which would have been spared your wrath.

Think: the OC refusing to chug-off in the tournament x 1000.

FRANK said...

did we vote on it? I dont mind picking ppl to ref..

FRANK said...

in the new liger kickball league we will be sure to have plenty of refs for your game

FRANK said...

sorry that was dick frank... lets forget the past and start supplying refs now.. hey how many ft is it to each base?

Chandler said...

60 feet

Chandler said...

In the Liger Kickball League it'll be 120 feet to each base. Larger than baseball. Good luck scoring runs.

Robes said...

I was 0-1 with 2 RBI last night. :)

Chandler said...

Ridiculous. But unlike people in the Frankbox... I'm not sure I blame you. Haha.

bull said...

ROR from the sound of it I would have thrown the hell outta my visor!

True story...Trevor came up to me before the game and it went a little something like this...

Trevor: "Guess what, I'm going to have a line judge for your game, he'll be on third."
Me: "Why third, there is hardly ever a call at third, move him to first were you can really use the extra eyes to help."
Trevor: "I never miss a call at first cause I run up the base line, so I'm always right there to see it."
Me: "Alright, good luck with that."

Chandler said...

Haha. Trevor is a nice guy. And in his mind he STILL hasn't ever missed a call at first.

There's just 17 Ligers, 4 Spectators and an unknown number of Growers who think he's missed at least two now.

But I can personally attest that the two calls in question, he was not up near the base when it happened.

bull said...

During the Ballic-OC game he would have blown the shit out of a call if I wasn't reffing. OC was on D...throw goes to 1st...foot of the first baseman is NOWHERE near the I'm calling safe for the runner, I look up and Trevor has the out sign up, he changes to safe after looking at me.

Trust me I know missing calls happens...we all know that I've missed some also...but when you have another ref there to help you, use him where it will actually help!

Litman said...

Kick ball society went smooth last night. We had lights, played kickball, and got drunk. Boo ya!

YellowBird said...

I can volunteer to be a base ref starting March 24th. Will work for beer and will not ref any Alcoballic games in case someone wants to call shenanigans.

YellowBird said...

BTW, Paige's first comment was awesome.

J.W. said...

Better yet, yella, frank will pay you 100 yellabucks. You're hired.

And Bull, Trevor bailed you out a little before that. I saw Danny's foot well off the bag, and I would have capitulated if the Ballics would have argued that call.

Outside of that corrected mistake, y'all did a great job and are commended for it. I'll get you and Chandler a beer next week. I'm owed like 100 from Nate alone. It's nice to have refs that know the rules.

Oh, and Chandler, I would have given E-FLO home when he tripped over Pooter had I been reffing there. When you're not making a play for the ball, you need to get out of the way. It's understandable when uneducated girls do it, but someone on the OC, a man nonetheless, should know better.

I'm not classy enough to go out of my way to make a call against my own team, though.

YellowBird said...

How about 100 yellabucks and 2 beers?

Chandler said...

If it wasn't 5-1 at that point, you're right. Plus, I love Pooter... but I told E-Flo that his skillz on 3rd base are equal to that of an un-sporty female.

YellowBird said...

Chan loves pooter. (insert laughter)