The game in a nutshell
The Shockers were a better team and played better kickball then BC!BT! They took a 3-0 lead in the first inning with perfectly placed kicks and wise base running. BC!BT! played a competitive game and cut the lead to 3-1 holding the Shockers on offense but unable to score more then 1 run thanks to a solid Shockers defense. They eventually took a 4-1 lead and it was that score most of the game until all hell broke loose. In the 5th inning BCBT defense broke down and Shockers scored like 3-4 runs busting the game wide open. BCBT went in to clown mode just goofing off the rest of the game but still managed to score 2 more runs. To sum it all up BC!BT! actually played well (despite what the score might show) but Shockers just played much better. Now on to the play in question.
Basically someone bunted the ball and it started fair but ended up in foul territory. I was playing third and charging for a bunt but never hear fair or foul called. Gomez was playing catcher and wisely let the ball roll foul where it settled clearly outside the lines. Apparently the ref very faintly stated the ball was a fair ball sometime while it was in play. As half our team is yelling and pleading to the ref to look at the ball and call it foul the Shockers players continue to round the bases. Finally Gomez picks up the ”foul” ball and throws it at a player who is attempting to score (fromfirst) on the play. The player catches the ball as he is sliding into home and is called safe. Once again my team eupts with anger at what we believe to be another blown call. I will admit the play at the plate was very close and could have gone either way but I would bet money he was out. The problem my team had was the fact that the ref REFUSED to view the ball looking down the baseline like anyone with common sense would. Instead he stuck by his mute call of fairball while viewing the play perpendicular to the baseline. Just because the ref ruled fair at one point does not mean he cant change his call to foul once the ball rolls to a stop in foul territory and has yet to be touched. Regardless of the calls BC!BT! was clearly out played by the Shockers and did not deserve to win the game.
Myself and some of my teammates did not handle the situation the way we could have and were guilty of getting caught up in the game and for that I apologize. The ref did call a fair game and everyone (including myself and paid professionals) have blown calls before and will do so again in the future. Below is an illustration of the play.

Yeah, just sounds like Ryan made a bad premature call.
I'm not sure if he reads the blog, but Johnny does.
Regardless of what happened, the refs should be reminded that an untouched ball can roll foul as long as it does so before crossing 1st or 3rd base.
Smithkey, nice pic but I still have a favorite of yours. The pic you did of the time when Chan over slid third still makes me laugh every time I look at it. Keep up the funny pics!
And that first base ref was the useless girl who couldn't even help Ryan out with it anyway. I didn't see the play at home, but heard the ball hit and saw he caught it.
Funny how smithey failed to mention Tony missing some balls in the OF that he should have caught.
That illustration is pretty good, but can we have an illustration of Knowlton running in the OF then throwing the ball towards RF and Alishia walking off please?
premature officialation
Ha ha ha! Maybe Smithkey can do a picture of that too.
Since you guys probably know everyone on the Ligers I'm assuming this "useless girl" must have been from I'd Hit That? least line refs are being provided by teams this season. They've been working well overall and I definitely think it's an improvement.
2 things about the illustration.
The proportion of my head to Mike's head is pretty accurate.
The beer I was drinking was Miller High Life not MGD.
That is all.
Oh... those were the beers that you left on the ground after the game.
No I put my two in a trash bag.
In all the games weve played so far this season, the refs are not vocal AT ALL. Given no player should not run to first based on the other teams "call" of fair our fall, but come on. Be loud and save the people the hastle of sprinting all the way down to first, everyone being confused and lookin at each other, and trying to figure out if the other team is just bullshitting them. This goes for force, and tag plays at the other bases. Refs should yell out their calls, be confident, and not mumble them under their breath. It just gives us a$$holes that much more reason to try and argue calls when it seems like the ref isnt even sure they made the right one.
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