Monday, September 12, 2011


I've been asked to post the following information:

GKB Tournament - The tournament is schedule for Saturday, October 15th.

GKB Season Party - The Party is scheduled for Saturday, October 22nd at Wings Gone Wild.

Both of those will be shifted if we have rain-out issues during the rest of the season. But put them on your calendar, and EMAIL YOUR TEAMS. I'm sure GKB will send out an email soon with this same info... but there's no reason for anyone to claim ignorance (like some people did last season).

Finally... the Leif Golf Tournament is quickly approaching. I have to get the parings to the course by the end of this week. So if you haven't paid... you need to do that now. If you have paid, then check with your partners to make sure they've paid.


barflett said...

15th is going to be tough for TBN as we have a wedding that day. Of course, that would be the only thing keeping us from winning the championship.

Alison said...

If anyone is unfamiliar with the golf tournament please check out and "Like" the Facebook page. Stay in the loop with all tournament details, ask questions, and find a team to play with.

Also check out the Facebook event for this year's tournament.