Remember that it is rude to ignore people so make sure to reply with "REMOVE ME" in the subject line and whatever personal thoughts you might like to share in the body. See my example to the right.
Now I'm not going to play with WAKA anymore.*
I met MLoop and I met Kegger, the two folks WAKA sent down to run the captain's meeting this last season. Why the hell Kegger was there other than to act like a dickhead, be obnoxious, and drink free beer, I don't know. I'd never met the guy and the first thing he does is insult my team. Thanks, guy, go smoke another bowl.
MLoop seemed like a decent enough guy, but his answers to our concerns left more than a little to be desired. Lightning? Apathy? Just let us play 10 games, or just tell us the real reason (insurance costs and need for more money for the national office to fund Keggers' free beer and all the levels of management and top notch customer service they have, I presume).
Now they're banning people for blog posts that are mostly jokes? Give me a break.
So, thanks Jaime and Ty for being good WAKA reps (to myself and the OC at least). Sorry you guys work for such a sorry entity. The OC is out.**
*Except maybe taking the summer team to Vegas, assuming they don't hit me with the ban hammer for this post.
**Can't say for sure whether or not the entire roster is out, but the majority and the official team are.
To whom it may concern,
I’ve been a WAKA player for 10 seasons now and I must say I enjoy the game of kickball as well as the company of the friends I’ve made while doing so. I know you’ve received other emails from the FL-Bayshore division already, but I’d like to let you know my letter is not one of complaint but one of inquisition.
I understand your right as a private company to remove anyone from playing under your umbrella that you choose. But can you please offer me an explanation as to why each of these individuals has been banned from play? I just want to make sure for myself that these players weren’t banned from WAKA for just voicing their opinions. After all, the adage goes “the squeaky wheel gets the oil” not “the squeaky wheel gets removed and we’ll just ride around with one less wheel”, right? I’m sure there’s a perfectly sound reason to remove these individuals; so if you could just forward me a breakdown, that would be great.
Also, there’s a “List of grievances” located online outlining the complaints/questions raised by our division that weren’t met with any sort of resolution; I’ve attached a pie chart (fig. 1-A) illustrating the customer service received by us as a whole. So I’d also like to ask that someone up there in big WAKA HQ take the time to explain to me why these issues weren’t addressed by the people you placed in charge of addressing such issues (i.e. Division Rep, Customer Service Rep, those in charge of “banning”)
Finally, I’d like to thank you for your time in answering my questions and finally clearing the air about this whole debacle. I know how important customer feedback in to a company that reaches so many individuals so let me remind you that the easiest way to keep players coming back and the money rolling in is to just be open and honest with them. Which is all we here in the FL-Bayshore division have been after since the beginning. I’ve also included a customer service graph(Fig.2-B) as a visual aid.
I hope while reading this you take my visual aids in jest and my email to heart. Have a great day & I look forward to your response.
Geoff Leighly
Loyal Waka Customer
Thanks for your e-mail. A bigger thanks for playing 10 seasons! Due to privacy issues we can’t discuss any individual player issues. I am sure you can understand the reason behind that concern. However, to clear up one issue we are more than open to discuss any and all ideas to make WAKA Kickball better. I have also made sure to always keep a “virtual” open door policy to any ideas that would make our player’s experience better. In the near future I plan to visit the Tampa area and would be glad to chat about your concerns.
Thank you,
Jonathan Korb
Director Customer Service
WAKA Kickball
The World Adult Kickball Association
Best Parties. Best Games. Best Friends.