Friday, March 30, 2012

Toejammers lobby for Victory, Parenting Loses

"..Annd they probably play kickball like d*ckholes."

"Permissive parents, sometimes referred to as indulgent parents, have very few demands to make of their children. These parents rarely discipline their children because they have relatively low expectations of maturity and self-control."
                                                                        - Dr. Phil


                              Last night the Toejammers (6-1) had a wee little issue with attendance. I knew some people were going to be out, but we at least had three lady-jammers and six man-jammers (he said MAN-jammer) committed to the cause. So I notify the ref of our shorthanded fielding, to which he says that we have to forfeit.


I thought we were allowed to play shorthanded, as long as we had an acceptable guy/girl ratio.
Welp, fortunately our 3rd base ref (Alison) keeps the official GKB rules website bookmarked on her smartphone (after all the blog action this week, who can blame her). Within seconds I have a text message stating:
"General Rules #3: Game Eligible Requirement.
There must be at least 4 women and a total of 8 players at the start time of the game for a team to be "game eligible", otherwise the game will result in a forfeit loss. Those players must wear their team t-shirt and be registered players of the respective team. If both teams have less than 4 girls, then game-on and the game must start at it's scheduled time."

F.....M....L...  I like our pretty white jerseys!

So I explained to the head ref that we've always allowed teams to play shorthanded (**hint hint..mid-season rule UN enforcement, anyone?? rabble rabble rabble) so he goes and checks with our opponent, Guys, Balls & Dolls (0-7).

F...M....L... These guys are desperate and don't know that we usually play!

So here's how I imagine this exchange went:
Ref: "So you guys can get your first win of the season tonight by way of forfeit! Oh...and the Toejammers said they will play shorthanded if you'll let them."

Now the ACTUAL reaction I heard after the ref spoke with them:
Ethel (no joke..their captain's name is really Ethel):"Hell ya we'll take the forfeit win! Whoohooo our first win of the season, folks! F' YA! Metamucil Shots, everyone!

So after my initial surprise, I calmly walk over to their geriatric mosh-pit of celebration to talk to Ethel: "Really guys? I had a hard enough time getting MOST of my team to make it tonight and now you're gonna make us forfeit? Typically teams in this league will allow other teams to play shorthanded when they are short just one girl..."

But before I could finish my appeal, Toejammer A-Hole Matt (TAHM??) goes out into the field and rips off one of these bad-boys:

Classic Matt.

So after witnessing this alternate method of appeal, Ethel says "You know what..let's just play the game so you guys can get your win." 

And her team begrudgingly takes the field to receive their now-weekly beating.

Final Score: Toejammers 10 - Guys, Balls & Dolls 1

Moral to this story (obviously):

For all you baby factories out there ready to pop out some little kickball-kids: DON'T BE A PERMISSIVE PARENT. If you give in to your kids when they throw a temper-tantrum, they will fail to mature or learn self-control. And probably whoop your ass in kickball. Hi Tony!

Game Notes:

- No Soul Glo MVP Boot or wig were given out after this game. Awkwardness was plenty rewarding.

- After the game, myself, Ruben, and TAHM talked with Ethel (still her real name) for a while and smoothed things over. We gave her some encouraging advice on sticking it out with this whole kickball thing and that starting a new team is a process. It just takes time to learn the in's and out's like the veteran teams, and they'll surely see improvement after season one. Ethel appreciated the encouragement and conceded that she understood our position of not wanting to take the forfeit. She admitted if her team were in the title hunt she'd be just as d*ck-hole as us to not let a forfeit happen. I think she saw a little bit of herself in Toejammer A-Hole Matt. We also offered to handle their reffing duties for the 8:45 Greenies vs. Grimace match up...which  NEVER HAPPENED.

- Soul Glo DID finally make a showing at YOA. I had a good time while collecting free drinks from that big 11-drink win a few weeks back (gambling rocks), plus a couple from this week's picks (Thanks, Natalie & Litman!). I've been hanging out in North Tampa a little too much...forgot how good the "scenery" was down in SO-Trendy-SOHO. 

Karaoke Contest...

We need this guy on Thursday nights...


Why does Dawson H. keep telling me to feed my lawn? Perhaps he should have a talk with the city about Field 1. It's getting a bit sandy over there.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Week 7 Picks

Submit them. Write funny things. Collect your drinks.

Shit be closed.

First time ever that all the drinks are going to come down to one game BEFORE the night even starts.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

i leave for two weeks and this is what happens

OMG you bunch of cry babies. Seriously??? We have played the same way for double digit seasons and we are changing the pitching rules we ALREADY voted on at the captain's meeting??? So ladies, show we take the opportunity to repeal the suffrage act since it's an election year too? How about the emancipation proclamation, yeah i went there. or the banning of super sizing? repealing the first rule of kickball? cats and dogs living together and me and my exes being friends.

So we cannot pitch the way we have since, um forever and keep it as part of the game so that leaves tee ball style, let's just leave the ball on the plate or we can pitch to our own teams like some of the other leagues in the area...let's vote on that since we are making mid season changes. yes, i know its in the rule book yet your first three seasons it rode.

the root it seemed from the comments was the douchey play of the green pitcher, sorry bub i dont know ya im sure you are very nice,
-HI Stephanie how are you doing??? let's def grab lunch soon-
but as an fyi most pitchers let and give the ladies a kickable pitch-yeah, even me. where was i, oh yes, i was derailed there for a second, i am quite alarmed that ONE person lacked the experience with us and hence the courtesy we have always extended in game play that we have to change the way we have always played??? our norm or competitive kickball standards may be lame but dumbing down play is lamer. and i get to say that because there was a time i played on the worst team in the league, a mediocre team, a decent team and high level team and i never complained about any of the rules, i played the game.

But I digress, i do not pitch overhand or sidearm and the action on my ball is mostly in the path of the cones at the plate. Quite frankly this will work in my favor, less room for the bite of the ball to plain out for you to actually make good contact so...

you know what, i take it all back, thanks for the advantage!



"Hey Everybody,
I wanted to clarify a couple of rules that many of you have had questions and comments about in recent days.
Pitching Rules
In the past we have either not strongly or not enforced these rules at all. Going forward we will be sticking to the following playing rules:
8. The Roller CANNOT sidearm or overhand roll the ball when delivering the ball to the kicker.

10. The Roller MUST roll the ball within a 5 foot wide "Roller's Path" that starts from the Roller's mound and extends to home plate with the path being 5 foot wide and in-line with the strike zone cones on each side of home plate. If a ball starts rolling or bouncing outside that path and then spins inward across home plate and less than 6 inches, the roll is still a ball (NOTE: This rule is not enforced for the Competitive Leagues).
I believe that rule 10, especailly, has not been enforced. I apologize for not enforcing this more strongly in the past.
Rules for Hit Runners
A hot topic of debate lately. Here's the deal, straight from corporate:
  • If a runner is not forced to vacate a base (i.e. he's on 3rd with no runner on 2nd and he get's hit by a ball, he's safe.). If the runner is on 1st and the ball is kicked and hits him, he's out because as soon as the ball is kicked the runner is forced to vacate the base. So essentially if the runner is in a forced position and they are hit by a ball while on base, they are out. If they aren't in a forced position, they are safe. This call was made incorrectly on Thursday and, for that, we apologize.
If you have any other questions, contact me at any time.

Missing Commentary Picture

This would have been much cooler if I could have actually posted it with my commentary... but... whatever...

LIGERS ATTACK... or growl... or something...

DPT Masters Challenge

Do you follow the PGA Tour?

"Fuck no! Golf is boring! Change the channel to UFC 2,083!!!"

Sigh... OK. But do you like gambling?

"Why yes... I've been known to place a dime on the spread once in awhile."

How about games like Fantasy Football? You like those?

"Wooo!! Love that shit! Let me tell you about my 8 different teams, and how I missed winning the championship by three yards and a reception..."

No, that's quite alright. Anyway, we're going to combine all those things for the Masters this year. Yeah, it's basically fantasy golf played over one weekend. But it looks promising and we love to gamble. So head on over to DPT Golf for more information and to sign up ($10 entry fee).

Or... just continue to enjoy your busted March Madness bracket.

Treasurer of the Enforce the Current Published Pitching Rules Movement
"Chicks dig the long ball. Not the strikeout."

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Power Rankings - Week 7

Did you know: Kickball Society's regular season is now over (after 9 games) while WAKA's ends this week (after 8 games)? We still have half a season to go!! At least... we think that's a good thing.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Kevin? Is this your doing?

New Game Times This Week

Johnny has pushed back all game times 15 minutes this week, in an experiment to hopefully give relief to people fighting early game traffic.

Games are 6:45pm, 7:45pm and 8:45pm this week. Nothing else has changed. If you are "friends" with GKB Tampa on Facebook, you'd already know this information.

Also, there is a new caption contest up. The winner gets a $10 gift card to Yard of Ale, and a chance to try the Accuracy Kick Challenge for a two night stay on the beach. Nobody has come close to winning the beach trip this season. I guess we're just not good at Accuracy Kicks.

Secretary of the Enforce Better Pitching Movement
"Slow down. Adults at play."

THEE Beer Nuts v PBC

The kickball gods continued to shine on PBC as we pulled out another late inning comeback from yet another unlikely source. Alicia DID NOT kick into a triple play as we all assumed she would with 2 runners on and no outs. Seiler has locked up Coach of the Year with his brilliant suggestion that we try to score more runs.

Prayers go out for a speedy recovery to Edwin and Justin after their failed attempts to make it to first base.

Special thanks to the Rivera's 42 cousins who came out to support us. The bandwagon is filling up. In their honor we've changed our mascot from Natalie Barkley's shoes to their blood-thirsty pitbull "Lucifer".

Growler vs. YLLINaD Game

Since I had a wedding-filled weekend, I didn't really get an opportunity to read all the haps concerning rules.

But I'm back! And I'm going to force my opinions on you!

What Jess described (back to back runners getting hit with line drives) is crazy. And of course GKBs rules are so thin, the situation is not even addressed. If any corporate GKB guys are reading this: update your damn rules. Some of them are horribly written and confusing. You can sit around for one night in Atlanta, smoke blunts, sip on 40s and get it done.

So let's look at WAKA... an organization with horrible customer service, but a pretty thorough rulebook.

WAKA's rule 14.02d states an out is: "a runner touched by the ball or who touches the ball at any time while not on base while the ball is in play."

And then there is rule 14.02n, stating an out is also: "a runner tagged by the ball while on a base they are forced to vacate by the kicker becoming a runner."

Finally, in the test that WAKA requires you to pass in order to ref their Founders Cup:

An out is recorded if "a runner on 1st base is struck directly by the kicked ball." The explanation from the test lists rule 14.02n.


Blaaah. Alright. So here's what I think.

When the runner on 3rd was hit with the ball, he's safe and the ball is live as long as he was standing on the base. This is because there is NO force requiring him to vacate 3rd base. Had the bases been loaded then he would have been out.

When the runner on first was hit with the line drive, he should be OUT, because his base of safety immediately became 2nd base when the ball was kicked.

Spokesman for the Liger Pitching Movement
"Increase scoring... increase fun."

Week 6 Picks Results

Let's see...

Litman and Frank had perfect picks.

Nate missed two, so he owes them a drink.

The rest of us missed one.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hand of Humiliation Makes a Showing, Ligers Hang on to Win.

Now, well, I now this isn’t going to get 40 noms like Jess’ contribution (DAMN!). But at least that earns her a spot on the contributor’s listing, so DPT can add some more hot chicks to it and change the tide of the sausage.
I had rolled into our 6:30 game a bit early to get some practice in, I’ve been out the past 4 weeks. I got some calf implants and had to take some time off, they won’t help me play kickball any better, but Damn do I look good out there. I also spent a lot of time in Haiti during that time, which explains why upon my arrival to the field, it was immediately covered in a swarm of bugs. So I brought back bugs, no biggie, it could’ve been worse, I could’ve brought back AIDS, Haiti is covered in AIDS. Seriously, those bugs were a problem and added an unlikely variable to the game.
So deal was after the 8-0 smackdown Ligers were dealt by the Purple, I’d wear the Shocker until we win again. With us going against J.up, I felt one game of humiliation was tolerable.
Ligers knew they had this one in the bag, J.Up has put up junk numbers all season, but with the bugs gravitating towards the liger’s plush furry underside, it caused much of them to underperform. Ligers similarly used the T.JAM strategy of going hard in the first and putting the rest of the game on cruise control, and jumped to a 3-0 lead in the first, and that’s all the O that was there. We gave up the pity point (as usual), actually 2 for this team, one pity point for their playing, and one pity point for their 80’s theme. After a powerhouse first inning, not much O from the Ligers, the D was there, I watched Souder as he purposely dropped the ball to give up a 2nd pity point (he really felt bad for the guy in the MC Hammer 80’s outfit). The shocker held me back, I didn’t slide because when you have a quality shocker outfit, you take care of it. That got me out. But it didn’t hold be back from catching MC’s pop up to me for the final out….. that ended the game, the shocker always ends the games, the final move always involves the shocker, (I could go on)…
Still the final was uncomfortably close. The shocker outfit looked like it might be making another showing.

Final 3-2 (Ligers)

(disclaimer: some of the details of this recap are subject to inaccuracies due to the intake of Yella Bird's Purple Drank during the night, however, it fueled some mad LMFAO Karaoke later)

Friday, March 23, 2012

Honey Badgers Quit That, Toejammers Show Mercy

After a 5-run first inning, the Toejammers (5-1), decided that enough was enough.

I think I heard 'Matte'...

So we used the rest of the game to work on our shank-fly technique and scored two more completely unearned runs. The Badgers (1-4-1) looked like they still had a good time despite failing to reach third base. Or kicking a ball to the outfield.

The coveted Soul Glo Boot MVP award went to Matt for giving up one earned kick all game in his second start on the mound, while the Soul Glo Fro UN-MVP award was earned by Christian for watching a bunt trickle down the thirdbase line fair while thinking it was foul. Good job, third string!

Other game notes:

- In addition to earning the Soul Glo Fro, Fat Kid also managed to lose a game of raquetball to Tony Esco earlier this week, which earned him the privailage of wearing a superhero costume of his own last night:

...fits like a sweaty, stanky glove...

Injury Report:

-  Despite winning in racquetball (JAACCOOBB!!), Esco manages to go 1-3 on the night and winds up with a hyper-extended knee after attempting to jump over a chair on the sideline.

Q: of the Day? What should I tell the kids in gym class when they ask  why I'm limping?

Final score:  Toejammers 7 - Honey Badgers Quit That 0

So what's the call?

It seemed to begin a normal, annoyingly early 6:30 game on Field 1 yesterday but from the first at bat, I could tell something wasn't right.  Maybe it was the storm that was ominously brewing close by.  Maybe it was the fact that the field was pushed back several feet from its usual position. Maybe it was the fact that myself and my comrades hadn't downed enough pre-game beverages or that someone brought an imposter RedBull for our Yeagabombs. Whatever it was, this was one of the weirdest games I've been a part of in a while. 

It was a pitcher's duel from the start with the YLL pitcher throwing such crazy sidearm winders that he managed to strike out an entire side (when it was all said and done, he struck out SEVEN).  We barely had any base runners, they barely had any base runners and after 6 innings it was 0-0.  Finally some Growlers learned to wield the wild pitches and we eked out a run in the top of the 7th.  Thinking we were 3 outs away from returning to .500 for the season, YLL's pitcher stepped up to bat and kicked a great grounder which put him on first base. Through a sac fly (and maybe some other crap I don't remember) he made it to third.  Up comes another greenie. He kicks a line drive right into his teammate, who was standing on third base. There was a moment of confusion - no one knew what to do.  After some arguing about whether it was a dead or live ball, whether it hit him in foul or fair territory, the call was made that it was a live ball and the runner advanced to first base. Up steps yet another YYLASGHAGDer who proceeds to shoot a line drive right into the foot/leg of the runner standing on first base. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? Twice in a row? Using the same logic as before, it was ruled a live ball and the guy on third went home. Tie Ball Game. Sometime after that they ended up kicking a walk-off HR so not sure how much of an impact these 2 calls would've made but it definitely would've had some impact.

I've searched the gokickball rules and was unsuccessful.  Searching MLB official rules I've found this: 

5.09 The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, 
without liability to be put out, when— 

(f) A fair ball touches a runner or an umpire on fair territory before it touches an 
infielder including the pitcher, or touches an umpire before it has passed an infielder 
other than the pitcher; runners advance, if forced

 If a fair ball goes through, or by, an infielder, no other infielder has a chance to 
make a play on the ball and the ball touches a runner immediately behind the 
infielder that the ball went through, or by, the ball is in play and the umpire shall not 
declare the runner out.  If a fair ball touches a runner after being deflected by an 
infielder, the ball is in play and the umpire shall not declare the runner out

I'm pretttty sure this is the appropriate rule for the situation(s) that occurred.  No infielder touched the ball before it hit the runner and it didn't pass by or through an infielder. Dead ball, right? Maybe someone else can opine on the situation. 

After some arguing everyone agreed to just drop it and stick to the calls that were made. We all hugged and kissed and rolled around on the field together afterward. Yellabird arrived and doused everyone with his rape juice. Some clothes started to come off....wait. That whole part might've just been a dream I had once...either way, it's just kickball (right!?) and we had a good time playing the Greenies. Guess we just have to really step up our fun-ness in hopes of winning the Chalice of the Others since apparently that's about all we can win these days. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Remember... kickball games get played in the rain. They also don't get cancelled 2 hours before game-time just because the forecast looks like it might rain.

They get cancelled as soon as it's 100% certain there is lightning OR the fields are completely flooded (some standing water is fun).

If a game ever does get cancelled, Johnny puts it on GKB's Facebook page and emails the captains ASAP.

Because I'm such a nice guy, I usually text as many people as I can and post something on the blog. If I happen to be the one struck by lightning, obviously I won't be able to do that. One of the other 80+ contributors can step up.

So... we might get a little rain tonight and the monsoon from yesterday could make conditions damp. Heads up, yo.

Picks - Week 6

Make them.

Too late. Shit be closed.

WAKA Poll Results

So around 10:30pm, WAKA Tampa posted this on their Facebook page:

"In case you hadn't noticed, the vote for Bayshore's week 7 theme was a landslide. 80's movies it is!"

Thanks to those who participated in our game/experiment. We've learned a few things today:

1) How to hijack their polls.
2) They don't check up on us daily.
3) They weren't smart enough to think it was odd that 64 votes were cast (when the average is about fifteen).

I'll get one of our Off Constantly friends to report back on the theme participation. You know... the one we selected on their behalf. But upon hearing there was a theme poll, he said: "hhahahahah. like we will ever take part in a theme".

Not looking good.

See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

WAKA Polls

Our friends over in WAKA Bayshore need our help. They are doing a league-wide theme week tomorrow, and the polls close today at 4pm!!

Right now It was a tight race between Superheros (which Honey Badgers Hit That did last week in our league... and looked pretty good.), and "80's Movies."

80's themes are so Goddamn played out, so... everyone needs to vote for it! We'll keep you all posted on what happens once Tyrus figures out we stuffed the ballots.

What should the theme be in Bayshore's week 7?

Make Bayshore wear 80's things (not that the majority of them will anyway).

Honey Badgers... getting that first win!

**Update** This poll had been live on WAKA Tampa's blog for over a day and a half. It had 21 votes, and Superheros was beating 80's Movies 8-7.  After 3 hours of DPT exposure... voting has increased 114%! Keep it up! Go 80's Movies!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rankings of Power - Week 6


Monday, March 19, 2012


With the staggering loss of the Ligers to a questionable Shocker team, my punishment for being a member of a team that put up such shameful #s (8 – 0) is to humiliate myself and don the Shocker costume until we win and get back on track. Fortunately, we’re up against Jacked Up this week, so one game of humiliation is cool. Hopefully the real teams will show next time for the match up so the Shockers will be dealt their much deserved Loss, and as punishment they must wear a less gay color in their games until they win. So look out for the Shocker this coming Thursday, and be weary of downing Yella’s rape-juice with a big ol’ Shocker running round the field.

I hate math, she does too

Find out how long it takes to travel 80

Friday, March 16, 2012

Soul Glo hits 88 MPH, 'Ballics wish they had Grays Sports Almanac

Last night's matchup featured The Toejammers (4-1) and AlcoBallics (2-3) squaring off in the rush-hour-traffic-blows time slot on field 2. The 'Ballics jumped out to a 2-1 lead after some timely miss-kicks in the first inning. Our rookie pitcher Matt got himself out of a jam in the second with some Ruben-esque fielding to help the white 'n yellows pull to a deadlock at 3-3. However, in the third inning Soul Glo rattled off 6 straight base-kicks, capped off with a 3-run shot by Ashley to break open an 8-3 lead. From there the scoresheet gets a little messy, but 6 more runs were scored over the final three innings as the 'ballics realized that setting our pants on their Hope Chest would yield little results.
Still not as awkward as an afro-bearing man with a snake smacking our asses...

Other game notes and highlights:
- Hess's Special Spiked Sweet Tea was a big hit last night, with a whopping 90% real rape-juice.
- Ashley wrapped up the "Soul Glo Boot" MVP award by tracking down a sure HR with only one possible explanation:

(skip to the 40-sec mark)

Final Score: Toejammers: 14 - Alcoballics: 3 - Hess's Rape-Juice: 5-10 years

Chalice of the Others

I lost a weird bet yesterday, so I promised to put an update on this.

1) Growlers -We had a fun game with them and they had a strong showing afterwards. Jess usually puts on a full concert at YOA.

2) Honey Badgers - Robin might be the fastest chick in the league. Did a good Super Hero theme yesterday.

3) YellowBird - He's eligible, even though the ToeJammers are not. Creepy bastard, but entertaining.

4) PBC - We couldn't find anyone to do the chugoff, because everyone was drinking liquor. We're down a few spots, because we originally told the Growlers we'd do a white trash theme and ended up with a lame St. Patty's concept. That's what happens when you have a team full of gingers.

5) YLLINAD - Just doing their thing.

6) Jacked Up - The one chick really likes Vanilla Ice.

7) Guys and Balls - Did not look like they were having much fun or even talking to each other.

Ligers Ignore the Pink, Go Straight for the Stink

Prior the the game last night, Shocker Rob and myself emailed each other our predictions for the game:

Rob: "My Crystal Ball says Ligers 5 Shockers 2."

Chandler: "I got Shockers 8-0."

Look out Nostradamus (and Negrodamus*). There's a new oracle in town!

It was a tight defensive battle for the first few innings, with the shockers taking a 2-0 lead thanks to some nice line-drives to right field and 3rd base. But the Ligers couldn't get anything going offensively. They probably only had like 4 hits on the night, and that translates to "shitting the bed."

One bad inning of defense gave the Shockers four additional runs, and the game was over. Final score: Shockers win 8-0.

*Negrodamus totally predicted the Arnold Schwarzenegger divorce 8+ years before it happened. That is... if it happens. I guess their still together. But why did he have a love-child with that ugly as housekeeper?

Picks Results - Week 5

Nate, Jess, Griff and Frank missed one.  So they win a drink from EVERYONE ELSE!

Yep, somehow everyone outside of those four missed two:

Chandler, Deeks, Litman, Todd, Christian, Alison, Natalie, Dan.

It's probably one of our largest payoffs ever. So Nate, Jess Griff and Frank... make sure you go up to those eight chumps and make them buy you a beer.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Picks - Week 5

Get your selections in by 4pm on Thursday. Don't be lame... include some commentary and insight. Shit be closed.

GOKickball Gameday - Week 5

ESPN’s GoKickball Gameday

Reece - There is a kickball Oasis here and they waste no time today. Shockers vs. Ligers in a key showdown as The Ligers are hoping to bear down on a first ever regular season title.

Announcer - Welcome to GoKickball Gameday, pouring drinks by Yard Of Ale

Reece - Once again we are back in Tampa at DeSoto Park. I'm Reece Davis here with Dick Vitale, Digger Phelps and Jay Bilas. We have a great slate of matchups for you today but let's start out with your upset alerts.

Digger - The Alcoballics need to regroup and get focused to put things together after a poor defensive showing last week. I think they start to turn their season around tonight and upset The ToeJammers.

Bilas - Jacked up is a program on the right track and on the upswing. Look for Jacked Up to upset Thee Beer Nuts tonight.

Vitale - I'm beginning to sound like a broken record with Guys, Balls & Dolls. But I firmly believe this team gets their only win of the season tonight.

Reece - Let's start off with The Growlers vs. Pitches Be Crazy.

Digger - I guarantee you The Growlers aren't going to lose 3 straight games. The Growlers pull out a close victory tonight.

Bilas - Pitches Be Crazy struggled last year but they have rebounded this season tied for the league lead. They keep getting better with each game. They are also creating havoc on the base paths. I think Pitches Be Crazy wins this in a high scoring affair.

Vitale - It's like these teams went into the hot tub time machine. Pitches Be Crazy is what the Growlers used to be, in first place, high scoring and creating havoc. Meanwhile the Growlers have turned into what Pitches Be Crazy used to be. Pitches Be Crazy wins in a really fun game.

Reece - Moving on to another great matchup in Superbad vs. You Look Like.

Vitale - Superbad is outstanding defensively, but in terms of offense scoring they need some major improvement. That is going to hold them back from being an elite team this season. You Look Like wins this defensive standoff.

Digger - I completely disagree with you. I love Superbads aggressive play. I think Superbad takes care of business tonight and makes a statement that they are indeed an elite teams

Bilas - First of all how about Frank, that guy is everywhere on the field. This is an even matchup and I give the slight edge to Superbad tonight in non-random kicking order.

Reece - And finally our game of the week. It's Shockers vs. The First Place Ligers.

Bilas - I'm taking the Shockers tonight. They are really good on offense and one of the fastest teams offensively and defensively. Their speed really puts pressure on both sides of the ball.

Vitale - For me, The Ligers are a serious threat to win. They are the best defensive team in the league allowing 1 run a game. I think they will shut down the potent Shocker offense tonight.

Digger - I disagree with that. Numbers say they are the league’s best defense but the combined record of the teams they faced is 3-11-2 and only one team with a winning record, and 2 winless teams. I'm not reading anything into their defensive numbers. I think this is going to be a low scoring game but Shockers win 4-3.

Reece - Enjoy your kickball Thursday

Half-Off Depot

I'm told that Half-Off Depot is having a 17% off sale on all items this weekend (March 16th - 18th). There are some decent restaurant coupons on there... so if you use the site follow this link and use the promo code: LUCKY17

You're welcome.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fix me a sammich

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Power Rankings - Week 5

When is Silky Johnson or Gorecki going to do the Hate Rankings?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Taste of South Tampa

Mark your Calendars... Let's get a group to go for cheaper tixs... Just sayin.. :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March Madness Bracket

For the past few season I have put together a March Madness Bracket league and this year is no different. Below is the link to enter the league.

Group Name: "Name Taken"
Password: "Kickball"
Cost: Free

It is just a fun league for bragging rights and the winner will receive absolutely nothing. Everyone is welcome to join.

Friday, March 9, 2012


If you live in the brandon area and are interested trying out Crossfit then check out this deal. Great place and great price.


I was tempted to give a recap on how we bitch-slapped Gorecki, Teneille, Alison and Eflo around last night, but I thought I would share some interesting observations from last night. We had a couple of Eastern European's on our sidelines who had not been previously exposed to kickball. My friends attempted to explain, but was ultimately an epic fail.

1) THEM: I looked dis up online and it said it is a game usually played by 8 to 10 year olds.
US: Look around

2) THEM: Some crazy man in a wig came by and tried to get us to drink something out of a bug spray container.
US: That is YellowBird
THEM: Why is he not in jail?
POINT: Communists

3) THEM: Why does the red man keep tripping over the ball and kicking it.
US: Justin is trying to get the runner out.
THEM: Why doesn't he pick it up and throw it?
US: He's been trying for 14 seasons.
POINT: Communists

4) THEM: You are allowed to drink during the game?
US: You are allowed to drink while operating a tank?
POINT: USA, although that one cost me. (Grandfather in Soviet military)

5) THEM: So basically you drive across town to drink, dress like idiots and play a child's game

Ligers Look Like 'You Look Like I Need a Drink' Looked Last Season

That is to say: an above .500 team.

Maybe I'm just old-school... but I grew up in a world where people wrote re-caps on Friday instead of doing actual work.

Last night the Ligers took on the Green Machine... who is definitely not mean or obscene. Ok, I'll stop.

Anyway, the game was filled with minor errors on both sides, that resulted in the winning team feeling lucky and the losing team feeling like one got away from them.

On the Ligers' side of the ball, two horrendous drops by Ninja and Rollo allowed YLLINaD to score in the first inning. The offense didn't fare much better, stranding two runners on 3rd base with one out. Seriously... sacrifice flys... shouldn't be this difficult.

But YLLINaD had their own issues, allowing Rollo to score on a botched out attempt, and ruining two potential runs of their own with bad base running decisions.

The scoring was even further stifled by the wind coming in from the bay. We even took a brief time-out to watch Justin complete his Ginger Slam, as we all dreamed of higher scoring games.

Final score: Ligers win 2-1.  After the game, Irish Dave passed out a shit ton of cheese, cream and butter. Thanks Dave! We'll try to promote your product.

Kerrygold Cheese. Made with 100% real angel breast milk.

These Angels.

lil bitch

Ginger Slam

I'm told Daywalker hit a grand slam last night against the Ballics.

In honor of such a feat, Denny's is offering the Ginger Slam Breakfast this weekend.  Red velvet pancakes with strawberries, and a side of Canadian bacon. Don't eat it in the sunlight.

Picks Results - Week 4

Only two games determined the picks this week.

Natalie, Litman, Paige, Rollo and Nate had perfect picks.

They all get one drink from Caruso... who hasn't made picks all year... and immediately lost (-2) like he usually does.

Remember, it's the winners' responsibility to collect their drinks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

GOKickball Gameday - Week 4

Reece - The Ligers are off to their best start since Chandler resigned the Captaincy and are fighting for the regular season title. Liger Blue is all the rage, but green has been a thorn in their side. The Ligers gear up for You Look Like tonight as we get ready to party in Tampa.

Announcer - Welcome to GoKickball Gameday, pouring drinks by Yard Of Ale

Reece - Once again we are pleased to be back at DeSoto Park. I'm Reece Davis here with Dick Vitale, Digger Phelps and Jay Bilas. Plenty of games on the slate today, let's get started with your Upset Alerts.

Digger - Now Dickie V, you picked these guys the last 3 weeks for an upset and were wrong. I'll show you how to pick upsets. Sooner or later Guys, Dolls and Balls will get their first W. I think that comes tonight at the expense of Thee Beer Nuts. Now I also heard Thee Beer Nuts will spot Guys, Dolls and Balls 1 second in the chug off for every 10 years of Kickball experience they have. Even with a 5 minute head start, Guys, Balls & Dolls fails to win the chug off but gets payback on the field.

Bilas - Jacked Up can run and kick, but tonight is when they finally play defense and as a team. I think Jacked Up will pressure the ToeJammers on the base paths tonight and play solid defense to get a statement win tonight.

Vitale - Honey Badger Hit That is a much different team on both sides of the ball then their parts were last year. I think they upset The Shockers in a close exciting game down to the wire.

Reece - Let's get started with Alcoballics vs. Pitches Be Crazy.

Bilas - Pitches Be Crazy gets the win tonight in a wild fun game and puts them one step closer towards their goal. Being the inaugural winners of the Chalice of Others.

Vitale - I like The Alcoballics in this game. I think Pitches Be Crazy plays to the level of their competition and will struggle with lesser teams. Pitches Be Crazy opened with one of the toughest schedules but will suffer a letdown game tonight. 

Digger - To me Pitches Be Crazy is the one team that got things going their way. I think they will continue their winning streak tonight vs. a fading Alcoballics team.

Reece - If not for an injury and a 1-1-1 start to the season we would be talking about Superbad vs. Growlers as the game of the week and possible title game preview. How do you see this one?

Vitale - There is an opportunity for the Growlers to win, but I like Superbad tonight. They play like a team. The key is getting off to a good start and not struggle late as they did last week.

Digger - I think Superbad is overrated. I think the Growlers are the better team this season and will earn a hard, hard fought victory tonight. That will send Superbad off to their worst start at 1-2-1 and there could be grumblings about Frank being replaced as coach.

Bilas - I look at this game as a turning point for both teams, as a game to give the winner the momentum edge as we get closer to the tournament and makes the point this is a team no one wants to play. With that said I like Superbad in this game. Robert's injury is a lot for the growlers to overcome. In time they will, but this is a really dangerous Superbad team. Superbad earns the win.

Reece - And now for our showdown game. Ligers vs. You Look Like. Break it down for us and make you selection.

Digger - The Ligers are going to get lost on the field tonight. You Look Like are 3-0 vs. the Ligers with a combined score of 14-1. You Look Like are going to be a top seed. They win easily tonight.

Bilas - The Ligers are a tougher team this year. They are better on offense and defense. They will surprise You Look Like tonight and improve to 4-0.

Vitale - This team now has the depth and is better with a go to guy in the clutch. They also have the support of some of the craziest fans in kickball. You want to see how crazy? Listen to this. The Ligers will feed off that excitement and take You Look Like out to the woodshed tonight. Now let’s go into Ligerville!!!!

Reece - Enjoy your kickball Thursday