Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
My Thoughts
1) BnD plays angry. It's this really intense competitive atmosphere that is totally a mind-fuck when the home plate ref is a Giant Panda. I honestly think most of those kids I've talked to outside of the game are pretty cool... but during the game... shit balls.
2) I blame all negative feelings towards BnD on the fact that they have a handful of Seminoles on their team. It's the same reason why nobody likes THEE Beer Nuts.
3) The Giant Panda (Liger Joe recently discovered his mom was a Brown Bear) did a good job reffing the game. The few close calls were quickly discussed, a decision was made, and we thankfully all moved on with our lives.
4) The Shockers probably ruined their chance at a season title (just like they did in the flip-cup finals). It was a good run... but my sleeper team is now dead.
5) Phil caught that ball.
So after that nonsense... the Game of the Week took place:
1) The Ligers would have lost if NKOTB could ever field a full team.
2) Brooke is ruthless. After one of her players threw out his back... she forced him to lie down in the outfield so they wouldn't be short too many people. He cried in agony for like 20 minutes while she mercilessly cackled while pitching.
3) Liger Chris kicked a grand slam, and also saved two runs with an impressive finger-tip catch to end the game. So basically... the victory was his doing.
And the rest of the night:
1) Weak kickball turnout at MacD's.
2) Lame that the flip-cup tables weren't out until later in the night after we asked like 10 times.
3) Lindsey P. from NGtW isn't as bad at flip-cup as my previous Power Rankings said.
4) Nate and Rollo owe the following people one drink: Marla, Brie and Yellabird.
5) I'm never picking TBN again.
6) Paulie has a sister... and she got all the looks.
7) I think we scared off the TBO reporter when she walked into our Terminator conversation about sending your dad back in time to bone your mom.
8) Dollar Wells need to make that their official name next season.
9) If you don't have Halloween party plans... GO TO JARED and KAREN'S PARTY! Comment if you need the Evite sent to you.
Ok... it's almost time for my Friday trip to the Wing House. Have a good afternoon.
Friday Time Waster
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Bungalow Bistro Presents...
The Appetizer this week is
“Major Airlines”

So Heather and I booked a flight for a Wednesday and plans changed so now we need to rebook for the same flight/time just on the next day/Thursday. If I can order pizza, hookers, blow, and this crap

from Sissy in Pinellas Park, with a few clicks of a mouse and an internets connection. Don’t tell me it cost $130 to change a flight with no fare difference.
The Main Course this week brought to you by Bungalow Bistro is
“The Terminator - Screenwriters”

(Spoiler Alerts, If you are one of the 3 people who haven’t seen the films in this series)
So I wasn’t feeling good yesterday. So I decided to pop in the screener I obtained of Terminator: Salvation. Decent movie, good action sequences, Christian Bale has a lisp, and Bryce Dallas Howard has a famous dad and not much else going for her. But there is another thing that bothers me to no end.
So in Terminator, 45 year old John Connor is the Leader of The Resistance. The Machines/Skynet can’t kill him. So they figure out time travel and send back a T-800 101, to kill John’s mom Sarah. John finds out, and sends back his trusted Lieutenant, Kyle Reese to protect his Mother and thus preserve his life.
However the problem I have is this, when Kyle Reese goes back in time to 1984, he finds a non pregnant Sarah. They bone and thus John Connor is conceived. How can this happen? How can John Connor send back his Dad to both protect him AND create him (by boning his mom)??
Beer - it's GOOD for you!
Bath time! Grab me a beer!
Last Update: 10:26 am
Beer (Cate Gillon, Getty Images/file) Beer lovers in Austria are getting a chance to bathe in a pool full of 42,000 pints of lager.
The brewery says offering the dips is part of its wellness program.
It claims the baths actually heal various skin diseases and that hair and fingernails have seen positive effects from being submerged in the frothy soaking.
The brewery admits that some of its guests, while enjoying the swim, drink more of the beer than is good for them.
Copyright WENN.com

WAKA Gameday
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
HR Derby / All Stars
Hyde Park Jazz Fest
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Since Laura mentioned Epcot in her post, i thought it only fitting to post about "SarChan's" Birthday!!!
Location: EPCOT
World Showcase
Orlando, FL US
When: Friday, December 18, 11:00AM
We are doing our own international pub crawl at the World Showcase at EPCOT!
We're giving you lots of advance notice, so take the day off work and come join us in getting "Three Sheets" for Sarah & Chan's birfday!
*UPDATE: Some ppl have already booked at the Swan/Dolphin, but rooms are filling up fast due to the holiday season. Some ppl have also booked at Disney Pop Century at a cheaper rate, but I'm sure rates will go up the longer you wait. So get your rooms ASAP! (or find peeps to squeeze in with lol)
Rule 1: When Chandler/SarahB drink, you drink.
Rule 2: The first person to spot Pleepleus the monkey (or any monkey for that matter) gets to make someone else drink.
Rule 3: When the name Steve McKenna is mentioned, everyone drinks. (Steve McKenna'd, adj. inebriated to the point where one loses control of one's actions. Examples include: drunk dialing, streaking, etc. "Sorry i hit on your mom last night, i was Steve McKenna'd...")
Rule 4: When someone burps, the last person to give the "Good Burp" sign (thumb on your forehead, pinky in the air) drinks.
Rule 5: If someone "Jim-The-Cops" (spills their beverage while drinking) it's a social. However, if YOU Jim-The-Cop, you have to buy someone a drink. If you Jim-The-Cop while in a chugging contest (as sophomoric as that is), you get three seconds added to your time.
Rule 6: If you ever spot anyone holding a drink improperly, you can make them drink. Here are the proper positions:
FOO FOO DRINK: This would be a drink that masks the taste of alcohol with the taste of sugar. They are sweet, blended, brightly colored, or have an umbrella in them. In this case, the pinky should be up in the air.
MAN-GRIP DRINK: This is a general drink, like a Beer, Jack & Coke, Vodka Cranberry, where the sweetness doesn't hide the taste of alcohol. In this case, all of your fingers should be in contact with the glass.
GENTLEMAN DRINK: Think Frank Sinatra. This is a straight-up spirit, like Bourbon, Scotch, Tequila, or anything else that is not cut (except by water, vermouth, or club soda). All fingers should be on the glass except for the index finger-- It should be pointing out with confidence.
(BTW for those of you who haven't responded to the EVITE...you're hurting my feelings!)
Save the Date for the 3rd Annual 12 Bars of Festivus

Saturday, December 19, 6:30PM starting at the Tiny Tap
A night that will be forgotten ..... at least if you make it to all 12!
As we have seen from the last two years, the 3rd annual 12 Bars of Festivus promises to be a night of laughs and complete debauchery.
For those who came last year you know the routine... for all those who are coming for the first time here are the rules:
There are 12 bars on the crawl. We will be at the first bar for one hour and then when the whistle blows its time to move to the next bar.
You have to come wearing some sort of santa hat.
You have to manage to drink one drink at every bar.
You must walk to ALL the bars...no cabbing!
and the final rule is to have a great time!
The drunken festivities will begin at 6:30 pm at the Tiny Tap! Maps of the remaining 11 bars on the pub crawl route will be provided then but for those who always ask what bars are on the crawl here they are:
1) Tiny Tap
2) The LIME
3) The Lodge
4) The Cork
5) Mac Dintons
6) Dubliner
7) Cheap
8) Soho Tavern
9) Bungalow
10) The Deck
11) The Rack
12) Hyde Park Cafe
Also this year we are going to be donating to Metropolitan Ministries any and all donations will be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions feel free to email me at lmulhern9@hotmail.com
** I know lots of you will be in Epcot that Friday/Saturday afternoon but no excuses for not partying two nights in a row!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Jewish Manna? Or the Liquidy Catholic kind?
"Hello WAKA Kickballer,
Thank you very much for participating in WAKA Kickball this current season. In an effort to continually improve the player experience, we would like you to take a few minutes to answer this 3 question Customer Service Survey. Your responses will be confidential, however if you would like to provide your name and contact information, you may do so at the end of the survey in the ‘comments’ section.
Click here to access the survey:
If you have any other questions, you may send an email to surveys@kickball.com.
Thank you for your support of WAKA Kickball.
Happy Kicking,
Please do yourself and everyone else a favor and fill this out. It's not a crime to bitch about MacD's, Me, PAL, "Rude Bitches", or Ty.
For Reals.
Balla's in the sky
We've got about 15 people signed up for skydiving. It looks like the best date to do it will be on Saturday, November 21st. I just wanted to make sure that works for everyone.
You can respond to this blog or email me at Cathy [dot] Leone (at) gmail {dot} com if you're interested. I'll post the list of people up here as more commitments firm up.
Remember that you don't HAVE to go skydiving to enjoy this event. We'll be camping out the night before on the drop zone. And parties on the DZ rarely disappoint! If you don't have camping gear - no worries. I can get my sticky fingers on plenty of tents/sleeping bags - just let me know that you need one and I'll make sure there are extra supplies for you.
It’s a $40 deposit and $129 the day of the jump. I won’t be at the field this week but I’ll be meeting everyone out at the bar. Checks (no cash please) written out to “Skydive City” can be given to me or Aaron Stocum (Your Mom) if you can’t make it out to the bar this week. We can collect deposits on Thursday, the 12th or Saturday, the 14th at the tournament.
Let me know if you have questions!! I can’t wait!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Where Are They Now? - Part 1 - Teneille
Name: Teneille W.
Born: September 7th, 1978
Nickname: "T"; "Trini"; "Patron Princess"; "That Black Chick That Plays Kickball"
Teneille was once a dominant figure on the Alcoballics v1.0 and a fond lover of "white chocolate." But where is she now? Does anyone even remember her? It's a story that must be told...
Thirty-one years ago on a vast grassy plain in the heart of Zimbabwe, a mother cried in agony whilst giving birth to a beautiful 14 lb. 9 oz. child. The local hospital wasn't much more than a shack made of dried out grass stalks and elephant tusks. Cheetahs perked up their ears at the sound of the birthing, while hippos gracefully drifted down the local river seemingly unaware of the commotion.
"Congratulations, it's a girl," exclaimed the doctor as he held up the baby (which already possessed a full set of hair). "Do you have a name for her?"
"No," whispered the exhausted mother.
Perplexed, the doctor shrugged and handed over the infant. "Ok... anyway... your hospital bill comes out to be... ten Eilles." The doctor, of course, was referring to the national currency of Zimbabwe: Eilles.
Eilles are a very common stone found throughout southern Africa. In fact, Western Civilization still has not figured out why they are used as currency by Zimbabweans. The doctor could have easily just walked outside of the shack and picked up ten Eilles in a matter of seconds. But this documentary is not about to solve the riddles of cultural tradition.
The new mother's face lit up with excitement. "That shall be her name! She cost me ten rocks... so I will call her Teneille!"

So that's how we all came to know our good friend Teneille. But where is she now??

As my time with our friend came to a close, I asked her the one question on all of Bayshore's mind... "Will you ever come back?"
Well said, my friend. Well said.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Profile Pics
Standing 69 anyone?
THEE Beer Nuts shock Yaga...Yeaga...Yaega...Y-Bombs, well almost...
Bombs 2*
I dont think that anyone (besides Beer Nuts team members) would have predicted so close of an outcome. As stated earlier in Chandlers power rankings this week Thee Beer Nuts had a run differential of -11 and the Yeagabombs of +24, so I personally was going into this game kinda like when the Rams played the Vikings two weeks ago, I just didnt want to get embarrassed.
The game was filled with great kicks and strong defense from both teams through the first 4 innings. The Beer Nuts being the home team do to my lack of chugging skills were up 2-1 going into the top of the 5th inning and they could taste the upset.
The Y-Bombs were back to the top of their lineup and switched up their straegy to playing small ball and getting runners on base instead of blasting balls into the outfield as they had been doing in the innings prior. With the first two men reaching on infield singles a line drive went to me in CF which I played and sprinted to 2nd base to get the force out and hold the runners to 1st and 3rd. The next kicker (another guy) kicked a sac fly out to CF and tied the game up. The next girl was thrown out on her bunt attempt and that was the game. To date that is 2 blown wins by TBN this season. Closing games out has never been their forte, well or winning for that matter.
*This is where I come to my dilemma, it only occured to me after the game and after I left the field that the Y-Bombs had 4 guys in a row kick in the top of the 5th. The first time through the lineup I am 99% positive that they did not have 4 guys kick in a row but since I didnt call them out on it in the game and didnt get a lineup (Rob style) from them before the game there was nothing I could do about it. Whether it was intentional or not I think they kicked out of order. Either way I was happy not to lose.
Thanks to the Yeaga's (esp Liz, Julie, Cliff, Robyn & Robert) I always love playing them and this game was no different. Great game!
Game Recap

Wait... you don't believe the Mom from Pete and Pete(an equal debacle of a TV show)?
Lucky for you DPT's camera crew caught up with our General Manager outside the Mac's bathroom last night after he pissed like 47 goals in the urinal. Pressed for time? Don't worry he'll sum it up for you in under 43 seconds.
Macallister's Deli Presents - People Who Suck.
First up.

Edith sucks x2. Last night during play Edith tried and failed on 3 occasions to hit me in the face with a water ballon.
HA! My bigass head is quite an inviting target, but it is also shifty.
Double fail.
(I forgave her afterward, because she wasn't really trying to hit my face)
And now... The Macallister's Deli Weekly Winner.

Eric Floresca(aka E-Flo)
This 'tard promised Geoff, April, Heather, and I (and probably more people) tickets to the USF/Miami game. Only to nonchalantly tell me on his way to the pisser last night that he did NOT in fact have tickets. Then he blamed it all on some shady Asian cousin in Ft. Lauderdale or something.
Superbad, Frank, & Ty Strap one on and take it to NKOTB
In the Chug-off NKOTB still remains undefeated, however this week was closely contested. Hats off to the Ref makng the correct call when Superbad's chugger failed to flip his cup upside down after finishing. That comes down to coaching Frank...
Then the game started... let me sum up.
- NKOTB let a few too many kicks get over their head in the outfield.
- I suck as a First Basemen.
- We kick the ball too high... what does that even mean? It means the ball goes too high and people catch it.
- Superbad has some aggressive base runners... sliding into first? really? Really? REALLY? (I wish there was a Sarcasm text)
- It was 9-0 after 3 innings, NKOTB held Superbad scoreless in the 4th. IIRC
- Frank refuses to kick towards me when I am in the outfield... Pansy.
- James Blake was there... he can throw the ball on a line from Left Field to First... srsly.
- Did I mention I suck as a First Basemen?
- Superbad's pitcher must have played Keeper in the English Premier League.
- Ty... eh.
- Tony from Your Mom is a Jack Ass. (no sarcasm here)
The game is pretty much a blur... but ladies, I am sure you can relate, you would rather have it be a blur when you are getting an ass pounding.
DON'T Miss next weeks game. I promise a camera worthy showing. No Flash Photography please.
Game Recaps
17.05 The pitcher and the catcher positions may only be replaced once per inning unless injury forces another substitution.
I hate being right...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
"Zonkey Punch Toboggan" has a much nicer ring to it, don't you think?
'Zonkey' attacks Bay area man
Reported by: Don Germaise
Email: dgermaise@abcactionnews.com
Last Update: 8:37 am
BROOKSVILLE, FL -- What do you get when you cross a zebra with a donkey? James Oleson says you'll get knocked to the ground and bitten.
Hernando County Sheriff's deputies say Oleson was attacked by the half-zebra, half-donkey at Boyett Groves in Brooksville Monday.
According to a police report, deputies, "made contact with James Oleson, who is an employee at Boyett’s Grove. James stated that it was him and his mother who were yelling. James stated that they were yelling because he was being bitten by their donkey.
James stated that their donkey is a mix between a zebra and a donkey. James advised that he was painting the perimeter fence near the donkey’s enclosure when the donkey put its head underneath the fence and began to bite his feet. James stated that the donkey knocked him over and kept biting his lower legs.
James advised with his mothers help he was able to get away from the donkey. James had numerous bite marks on his lower legs."
Boyett Groves is a citrus grove that has a small exotic animal farm to attract tourists.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Welcome Flonettes!

Donkey Punch Toboggan would like to extend a warm welcome to the Flonettes (aka: KickTease)! As you read in your eloquently written team email this week... we're the un-official blog of WAKA Bayshore Division Kickball! Here you'll find a lot of asinine content which may or may not amuse you throughout the slow work day (most of which is safe for work viewing). The group also uses the site to plan parties, vacations and other sporting events. Check out the calendar on the right for details.
Everyone is encouraged to contribute! Anyone can comment on any post with a Google Account. And if you'd like to make blog posts, just let us know what email address to send an invite to.
As mentioned by the lovely Jenn V., click here to see a very accurate history of the formation of your team. Enjoy, and we'll see you all on Thursday!
Monday, October 19, 2009
The USA Bid Committee for the 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup™ recently announced that Tampa Bay is among the final 27 cities under consideration to serve as a potential World Cup host city.
Tampa Bay & Company is requesting the support of community members, partners, Tampa Bay fans, and everyone else to help bring the FIFA World Cup™ back to the United States and to Tampa Bay for the first time.
The USA Bid Committee has created a petition campaign to help show the level of dedication our community has to hosting the FIFA World Cup™, and we have set a goal of 50,000 signatures so now is the time to show your support.
Log on to www.GoUSABid.com/TampaBay and join the movement to bring this prestigious event to our destination. It only takes seconds to sign the petition and every signature counts!
It has been indicated by the USA Bid Committee that an FIFA World Cup™ in the United States in 2018 or 2022 would expect to realize an economic impact of $100 million per game. The overall impact of $6.4 billion for the FIFA World Cup™ would be the most ever realized for a sporting event anywhere in the world.
Power Rankings & Strength of Schedule - Week 7
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
VOTE for my card... PLEASE!
I entered a holiday card design contest! Click the link below to vote for my two entries! Please vote as often as you can... THANKS!
http://blog.psprint.com/humor-gallery-submission/Friday, October 16, 2009
Ty is....

an “Asshole” and a “Dick”… probably a homer cheater too.
I didn’t initially have a problem with all of this until NGTW started whining about how we didn’t have enough people (Even though we did). So I proceeded to mention that it didn’t really matter because NGTW had already forfeited because they didn’t have two refs. In fact no one reffed 2nd base of the Superbad/Kicktease game until someone guy from NGTW sauntered out on the field with a little over an inning to go.
Yet armed with this info Tyrus Gordon WAKA Overlord, decided the best course of action would be to make me a humble pie out of “You don’t need two refs. You only need one. The rules say the game only needs three refs, your team provided two and we had one” and then he topped it off with a little “Don’t be a Dick” and a sprinkle of “You’re an Asshole”
Well let’s check the rule book that Ty decided to wave in my face last night “See! It says three”
WAKA Rules –
3.01 Games must be officiated by at least one WAKA participant, the Head Referee. When available at least two participants referee each game: a Head Referee, and a First Base Referee. The Head Referee governs all game play and issues all final rulings, and has final authority on equipment issues. Other Referees may assist these officials when available.
Meh. Not really clear. Since it say’s at least two. Nothing about three. But it does go on to further say.
3.05 Referees will be designated and furnished for games as provided for by the division. A division may schedule and designate teams to provide referees. A team failing to provide sufficient referees in accordance with the division schedule will result in a "paper" forfeit in the team's record which will count toward its total number of forfeits. This paper forfeit does not count as a loss.
I guess one is “sufficient” for our division. However I find it silly that per Ty’s claims each team can actually provide only one ref and hope that the other team produces the two other ref’s.
While I couldn’t actually find anything from Ty or WAKA where it says each team must have TWO refs (Maybe one of the blogs crack amateur sleuths can help me out).
Email from Tyrus Gordon Feb 12th, 2009-
“If your team does not provide refs or has some other infraction, your team may have a penalty or paper forfeit. This is counted seperately in the standings so this does not count as a game played so your team does still play a 10 game season. It is simply a deduction of -0.75 points in the standings.”
Why would you say “refs”? and not “at least one ref” if that is really all you need?
Because if each team does need two refs and I'm splitting hairs about there only being one. Then what does it matter if we don't follow the rules exactly and play with 3 girls and 4 guys or 4 girls and 4 guys?
So in closing. Don’t question Tyrus or you are a “dick” and an “asshole”. Not very nice names. Hell, Flo was there, all Tyrus had to do was ask him and Flo could of have said “his name is Bito”
The Shockers... Don't Really Surprise Anyone
Thursday, October 15, 2009
USF game, "all i wanna know is who's coming with me?"
let's get a time and our tailgate on!!!
i have a nice pop up tent to throw into the mix. game starts at 7:30.
Post!!! Comment!!! Post!!! Comment!!! Post!!! Comment!!! Post!!! Comment!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Missing: Camera - Last seen at the Mid-Season Party
USF 21 vs. Cinci 8/9 on a kickball night
Ligers Dominate Beer + Motor Skills Competitions
On a beautiful Turrsday night, the Ligers faced off against a noticeably thin Beer Nuts squad. Nevertheless, history will only remember the outcome:
1) Team Chug - Without chug-master James, THEE Beer Nuts had zero chance of winning this event. Liger Captain Chandler has spent his entire term in office adding bigger, more beer addicted dudes to the roster. (Ligers 1, TBN 0)
2) Bat Spin - TBN, with expert spinner Louis, always dominate the Bat Spin. So it was no surprise that the Ligers were crushed like a can of ice cold brew. (Ligers 1, TBN 1)
3) Pyramid Stack - Traditionally TBN always wins this event too. This year... it was the defining moment of the Beer Olympics. THEE Beer Nuts had a slight lead heading into the anchor leg of the race. WC's Todd and Chandler squared off in battle, and due to Chandler's piss-poor chugging skills it seemed the race was over. Rushing to make up ground, the Ligers' pyramid fell over and all Chan could do was go back and neatly re-build the monument in order to finish the race with pride. HOWEVER, at that moment, God farted and a slight gust of smelly wind toppled TBN's pyramid forcing Todd to return to the cups. An eerie silence fell over the fields as both teams watched the re-constructions. Chandler finished first and gleefully skipped across the finish line. (Ligers 2, TBN 1)
4) Base Race - Louis is too fast. (Ligers 2, TBN 2)
5) Pitchers & Straws - The Ligers NEVER lose this event. Apparently we're too good at sucking on... straws. TBN easily had 1/4 of their pitcher left. (Ligers 3, TBN 2)
Game, blouses.
Attempting to build on their momentum, two Liger teams were entered into the season flip-cup tournament. While Ligers 2 played courageously... it was Ligers 1 who put a baby in every opponent, losing only one round in the entire competition! There have only been 8 tournaments in our league's history... and the guys in blue have won 4 of them.
Fun party though. Thanks to the president and board for all their hard work. I know a bunch of you have pictures so let's see them.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Let's all jump out of planes together!!
I'm going to check and see if that's the best rate we can get but the total price is going to be somewhere in that area.
We could go out to the drop zone the night before and party like rockstars... or, like kickballers, I guess. There's plenty of room to camp out there and they have showers and real bathrooms and everything (none of the Ginnie Springs urination debacles we've all heard about). And then all jump out of planes the next day together! I know that SO many of you loser boys want to watch football all day on Sundays so maybe we could do it Friday night and Saturday?
Let me know what you guys think and also if mid-November would be a good time to do it. I didn't want to wait too long 'cause the holidays and blah, blah, blah.
Who's in?
Friday Thoughts (part 2)
6) We've had our first casualty in the bitter Hat War of 2009. Innocent Chandler was minding his own business last night on the dance floor, when a swarm of ninja Alocoballic terrorists jumped him and stole his coveted Liger Captain's Visor. The Visor was quickly passed around like a human shell game, leaving Chandler drunk, cold, lonely, confused and barren. One of the terrorists then gave Chandler a cryptic message: "We know you have Ding Dong. At least, we know you know who has Ding Dong. Give him back and you'll get your Visor." Chandler was then left shaking and crying on the dance floor, stripped of his supernatural powers.
The truth is... I don't have, nor know who has, the missing hat. Seems to me it ran away because Mike is a bad father. Case closed.
You think you know, but you have no idea.
Jesus is here..........

Let us pray........
Our Bono, who arth from Dublin, Hewson by thy name, thy concert come, we will be done, in Tampa as it is in heaven. Give us this tour, your Epic tour, and forgive us our hangovers....
You get the message.......I cant even wait.
Saint Bono called me earlier too and said all WAKA members get back stage passes, but you must have your WAKA ID card to get in. And no glass in the stage. Anyone found with glass will be immediately suspended for the rest of the concert. And he said please do not throw your trash at the front row of the crowd.
Boooooooooooommmmmm!! (And yes that is a picture of the Pope and Bono. He gave him his sunglasses......legend)
Top Shelf Blows their Load and the Lead to Kicktease
Bottom of 5 bases loaded with one out and Jeaneete up to kick. She kicks it short to 1st and it looks like they will tag her to get an out and let the run score but for some reason they stop short and throw it home albeit too late to get the runner. Score is 3-2, still one out and the bases loaded with Jason kicking. Don't know exactly what happened as I was on second base at the time but he kicks it to short right field and it drops in. Top Shelf throws it to second to try and get the force out. I see this and round third and head home scoring easily and giving Kicktease their 2nd victory of the season. Not sure what happened at second base but I think they might have been something to do with the bears on tricycles that were hanging around the base.
Friday Morning Thoughts (part 1)
2) How did Top Shelf blow that game against the Flonettes? Someone post a recap.
3) Karaoke is better when you actually know the words to the song. Although the band name "Chandler Stole the Ding Dong" is pretty funny.
4) Bito is losing drinks at a record pace in the picks. This week he owes: Brie, Yella, Geoff, Chandler, Mike S., Nate Dawg and Mike G.
More later once I do some actual work today... Blah.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Alcoballics...1-2-3 win!
Don't Worry Gator Fans!!!

US Pole Dancing Championship
Sent to me by accident ( I think) Thought you all might like to see this one.... Man, I wish I had some of those moves!
ESPN WAKA Gameday - live from Tampa
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Don't you worry, Gator fans...