Monday, June 1, 2009

Crazy Stunt Guy

In honor of Tony's acrobatic goal celebrating skills, a crazy back-flipping white guy.


Irish said...

Thats what we all would be like if it wasn't for Sega Megadrives when we were kids!

Jared said...


Alicia said...

Holy hell! That guy looks like the spawn of Geoff and Irish....only way more agile.

Chandler said...

wow that's pretty crazy. and no doubt Tony could do all that if he wanted to.

Smithkey said...

I do that kinda stuff all the time, no big deal really

Geoff said...

I'm going to hire that guy to be my stunt man, he can show up to basketball and dunk on someone for me

David said...

Only thing that would be better if it had him being chased by donut wielding cops...