We are getting hyped up for the Gennie Springs Camping trip at the end of June, and we'd like to start making plans pretty soon. We are heading up there after work on Friday, and I have never been to Ginnie Springs before. Instead of scrambling to post up our shit before dark, and stressing out, I wanted to get some info from the regulars. I am picturing sort of a Salute your shorts style spot, with Ug bitching everyone out, about drinking, and fires. So I can make a better mental picture, can you guys fill me in on what the deal will be. Are we fending for ourselves on campsites, when are we going tubing? Both days? Do we have to pay to camp? Does the park close at sunset? Can we drive our truck to the site? Fillaniggain.
I will be heading up early on Friday to set up my tent and will get with others on where we want to set the campsite up at. And I usually stop in Gainesville to pick up all my party supplies. There is usually a guy at the entrance that i buy my wood from or you can buy it there at Ginnie springs.
I will be tubing all day Friday, Saturday, and maybe Sunday morning before I leave. I believe Ginnie spring is open 24 hours a day but if the office is closed you have to register at the gate.
It is like 20 dollars a person per day. I usually hide a few people in my trunk to forgo the total cost.
Frank, some information that you requested. Let me know if you need anything else in particular answered I didn't cover.
1.Yes, you pay to camp. Since you can drink openly and its a private park they can charge an arm and a leg. It's $20 per person per night (there is a AAA or military discount but not sure how much).
2. The river for tubing is inside the park so you can tube whenever you like. Bring your own tube or raft or rent one for $6 a day.
3. We have a spot in mind where we want to camp but sites are first come first serve so we are not guaranteed the spot. It is a campsite at the spring where the tube exit is (pick yourself up a map of the place when you check in. There is also a board when you come in at the back of the check in building where we can leave a map of how to get to the campsite).
4. You can fend for yourself on food but if you have a group of friends going, you might want to plan to share (everyone signs up for something and they bring it or have someone get it ll and you chip in with the cost). With the amount of people going it is not feasable to get everyone together to bring certain thing(s) so smaller groups would work best.
5. For most sites, your vehicle stays on the site or at least very close to it so that won't be a problem.
6. The park does close at sunset for those people just visiting for the day but for campers it is open all night. The best time to go in the springs is like 3am when no one is around (there is quiet time after midnight but it may or may not be enforced).
Holy thousands of questions. Duc/I will be sending out an email to everyone with some pointers and answers to some of the questions and a list of suggested items to bring. To answer the questions:
We picked Ginnie Springs because they don't bitch at you about drinking, you can even bring a Keg if you sign a form promising not to give minors alcohol.
You can have huge fires as long as you're smart about it and do it in a wide open spot (we tested that last year)... And evidently even gang bangs out in the open with prostitues is acceptable (long story, who would have thought).
Some of us are going up at the butt crack of dawn on Friday morning to snag the best camp spot, it's huge and should be able to accomodate all 50 of those that are coming and there's others one right next to it if we need. When we snag the spot, we will leave a map of where it is at the front desk so when you guys check in you can find us.
Plan on tubing both days (possibly midnight tube run Friday night). Camping is I believe $22 a person per night and renting a tube is $6 per day.
You can drive your vehicle right up to the camp site. It is wilderness camping so there's no power.
More info to come in the email to those that are attending and on the Ginnie Web site:
Ginnie Springs Outdoors.com
And the first 40 to show up will get a spiffy stubby cooler.
I'm on a float!
Erika... since I'm coming up after work on Friday... please save me a tiny spot on for my little tent. :) Thanks in advance.
LOL okay we'll save you a spot under Bob the banana spider's web for your onesie :)
awesome, thanks guys. We should have probably 5 with us when we get up there around 7pm on friday. I have a ton of firewood I can bring in my truck on friday too.
Firewood is always appreciated Frank. You can never have enough of it.
April and I will be up there for the day on saturday (I'm doing my open water cert. dives saturday and sunday mornings at Silver Springs). Will there be any parking space left at the site? Is the "Schwack must keep his suit on" law going to be enforced?
I'd like to say yes on the Schwack keeping his clothes on rule... but 1) it's Schwack and 2) there's been talk of a midnight naked tub run... so I'm sure Schwack will be in his birthday suit at some point that weekend. At this point, he's been naked in front of the group so many times, it's a non-event. Sorry, Schwack!
What about bringing dogs?
I believe it says no pets allowed on the website. :(
Yeah, the only type of dogs allowed in the park are hot dogs. It is definately not pet friendly as they are not allowed.
I don't know about dogs, but I'm bringing my goat suit.
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