Wednesday, June 10, 2009

World Drinking Games

A friend is organizing the 2nd Annual World Drinking Games. All proceeds go to benefit Florida Diabetes. Some of us are going to spectate, but there are spots open for teams and teams are named after countries (real or imagined... Blumpkinia?
Republic of Red Rocket?)

Saturday, June 20, 2009
12:00pm - 5:00pm
Carmine's Restaurant
1802 seventh ave
Tampa, FL

Games will consist of cornhole, beer pong, boat race, quarters, rock, paper, scissors, costumes, rock'em sock'em robot, and boot chug.

Price: $30 for participants/ $35 day of event

PayPal Registration:

There's a facebook page:

Sounds like a good time for a good cause!


Chandler said...

sounds fun but I'll be out of town. I would have won though.

Rollo said...

Sounds fun but my liver is still recovering from taking 1st place at the last one a couple months ago!