Monday, July 13, 2009

DP... T?

Another sign the film industry is running out of ideas. This isn't even a porn...


Florian said...

Did you rent it to find out how it was? Any good?

Ryan said...

I actually saw a trailer for this. It is about some British kids that somehow get onto some yacht in the Mediterranean, drink some liqour, do some drugs, have some wild sex etc. Only for everything to go amok when one of the girls dies from a donkey punch. Looked shitty and has AXXO written all over it.

Chandler said...

no, I didn't rent it. but yes... the movie actually is about a girl who dies from a donkey punch.

too bad the writers weren't witty enough to have the characters then ride the limp body down a set of stairs.

Schwack is Wack said...

I rented this about two months ago from netflix. I would say that it was quite intesting. Reminded me of the Skin-a-max i would watch at 4am when mom was alseep.

RÜBS said...

yeah, i got this from the infamous aXXo and the movie was about 45 minutes TOO long. im mean, come on, who has seen the ole i killed someone with a sex act, now lets me and my friends try and cover it up before the authorities find out. yawn!

Grifter said...

Grifter said...

sounds like a typical boat ride with Chandler, Rollo and Bito...

bull said...

Only cougars still go to Blockbuster!!! hahaha