Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Google Wave?

I have some invite codes for a new service called Google Wave. It looks to be very promising but is still in the testing phase and not open to everyone. I have a limited number of invites I can send out so if you are interested let me know and I will shoot you one. For more information check out Google Wave. You must have a current gmail account in order to receive invite.


Griff said...

hook me up!!

Rollo said...


Hello Kimmy said...

I'm already on Wave... but is there a way to link up with you. It sucks the program doesn't work well with Internet Explorer. Thankfully, I use Google Chrome at home. :)

Chandler said...

seems interesting. gonna take some time to take off though. I fear change.

Florian said...

Yeah doesn't work at all for me on IE and that is what most people are forced to use at work. Until they make it compatible with IE, it won't fully take off.

Kimmy, I got on last night and it imported anyone from my contact list that was on Wave, you included. Don't think you need to link to anyone.

Hello Kimmy said...

Thanks Flo. Just logged in and it picked up you, Smithkey and some others. I guess it adds people from your google address book as they sign up for Wave. You weren't on when I signed up a few weeks ago.

Grifter said...

i have it but haven't really found a good use for it yet... its almost like a more advanced version of Google Docs with an IM program and email... but I haven't given it much time either...

add me clowns.
