Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mulder and Scully...

The title has little to do with the actual post.

But this video is indescribable. It's not NSFW or anything like that...well ok maybe it is. Be safe and watch it at home.

It is just very graphic and shocking. Way more so than that guy with the boil on his back.

Actual Broken English quote from the website I got this from -"If you can not stand, not watch."


***Pretty Fucking Graphic***


Follow up questions
1) Why?
2) Real?
3) Curious cut-away?
4) Potentially Fake?
5) What language is that? (Not Spanish) I swear I can hear an American or two say "Shit"
6) Am I an Asshole... for posting this?
7) Most EPIC FAIL ever?
8) If you can't figure out that #6 is rhetorical, you are an idiot.
9) How many "fucks", "shits", "holys" and/or "god/lord" did you yell out?
10) Is Chouder a "choice" or were they "born that way"?


Geoff said...

He'll be fine... tell him to rub some dirt on it!

Chandler said...

Yeah... that's pretty f'd up. Poor guy.

Smithkey said...

Never been a fan of watching these kind of videos. From what I gathered in about 30 seconds of internet research, this is two separate incidents spliced into 1 video. The scene in the hospital is actually of a failed suicide attempt with a 9mm handgun. Some of the videos I came across while doing this quick little research where even more disturbing.

Ryan said...

Get Real! 9mm suicide wound my ass.

Even using a hollow point round, shot that close(with one's outstretched arms) from a 9mm would enter the body, make a small hole (dime size or smaller) and expand outward and form a larger 3-5inch hole upon exit. Or the muzzle velocity would be so high directly after leaving the barrel that it would just enter and exit leaving the aforementioned dime sized holes.

A 9mm round would not split your face in half like you hit a concrete/exposed re-bar ledge after falling 30-40ft.

I'm not saying it isn't two different videos together, or that it isn't fake. But the video from the hospital is not a 9mm wound.