I left out most of the bullshit from this 28 minute meeting. That includes comments about:
- Random roster checks for illegal
immigrantsplayers. - Players must wear their WAKA shirts during games.
- Suggesting we have a pub crawl for our mid-season party (7th worst idea of all time).
- The first part talks about insurance costs being the reason for the "cooler rule."
- MMMBop says they "worked it out" so we don't have to pay for parking this season. But Jaime already admitted to us that the parking fees came from our party budget. So, technically, we still do pay for parking.
- Silky Johnson will be pleased to hear Kegger say at 4:23 - "Our coolers can't even get close to the fields." O RLY?!?!?
- At 7:33, you can hear the "explanation" as to why we don't play 10 games. It's a doozy!
Why not just fill up a black trash bag with ice and beer? it's not a cooler! Anything that can hold ice will keep your beer cold, so we should have a day when everyone tries to make the most creative non-cooler and brings them to the field. I'm sure all of the MacGuyver types can figure something out. Come to think of it; does the cooler rule mean Marvin can't bring his cooler boom-box? it's technically a cooler...
So its okay to bring a big Gatorade cooler full of Hunch Punch? I say we pay whoever made the stuff that was at Bruce's party to mix up a batch every week. That shit was potent!
Yeah, you can bring one of those gatorade coolers full of straight vodka out to the fields, but heaven forbid you bring a small, personal cooler with a few cans of beer inside. Anybody else call bullshit on this wink-wink-nudge-nudge "agreement" with the insurance company? Kegger:"It has a spout, that's water." By that logic: It's a cooler, I have soda-pop and sunshine inside. Bull. Shit.
What about a baby pool full of ice and beer?
That's not a cooler!
I LOVE the trashbag idea... I'm all over that shit.
I would buy a 5 gallon thingy and make hunch punch but I'm too cheap.
Geoff - You weren't kidding, you really did have to be at work at 7, huh?
That blows.
I just noticed that your comment was at 7:04... Way to start the day homeslice!
Actully I get in at about 4:45... but who's counting?
Souder- you shouldn't keep sunshine in your cooler; it will make your beers warm!
Why not just fill the big gatorade cooler with beer and ice (use it like a cooler). They make those things pretty big. I'm sure alot would fit in there.
So you want to water-down your beer with ice? Or dirty your beer with plastic ice cubes? Or make your beer taste like the plastic on the side of the cooler?
Gross, Flo. Your German ancestors are quite angry with you right now for that suggestion.
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