Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I was out of Town last week and missed the Captain's meeting. Can someone explain to me why we are blatantly disobeying some of WAKA's Rules?

For example: (emphasis added)

Rule 1.03: "All participants must respect and obey all rules and regulations pertainig to the field used for games. Alcohol is prohibited on the field unless expressly permitted by field regulations. In addition, various park permits may have stipulations that participants must abide by to plat ay those facilities. Participants breaking field rulesmust be ejected from the game and will be considered by the division's board of directors for disciplinary action including expulsion from the division. The league coordinator has a final say in all judgement."


Rule 7.01: "Regulation games last five (5) full innings."

I can understand the no visual booze policy... that is as much as PAL as it is WAKA, and let's face it, a 50 pack of cups runs less than $7!!!!

But to say that our league can't have coolers on the field, or that our games must be 6 innings now is crap. What if my cooler is just full of ice and water? Is that illegal?

What is a cooler?

Is this one? Technically I could bring one of these bad boys full of 20 Litres of booze and say... hey its a book bag, not a cooler...

Is this a cooler? In my mind it's a water dispenser... not a cooler. I have one of these. I will be bringing it to the fields tomorrow.

If it's not one of these? am I breaking any rules?


Smithkey said...

The "igloo" or "gatorade" cooler IS permitted. Basically anything with a spout or dispenser on it IS permitted from what I gathered.

bull said...

Welcome to the party Grifter

Chandler said...

I'll post the video tonight of the captains meeting so you can watch it and take quotes directly from it.

They blamed the change on "insurance premiums". PAL does NOT ban alcohol... as always, our contract with them is located on this blog and alcohol is specifically addressed in it.

There were a lot of things told to us that imply the WAKA Rules are out of date. And we were totally blown off when asked why we used to play 10 games, and now we play 8 (for more money).

In fact, one of the reasons for the shortened season was: "interest and participation drops off during a 10 game season."

OBVIOUSLY nobody has done any research on the Bayshore Division. We're a huge pain in the ass because we're a family and LOVE to play this stupid game.

trinihic said...

Can we put a spout on anything then? Let the shennanigans commence!!!!