So the latest rumor is that Dollar Wells is breaking up, so Caruso is planning on forming a new team in GoKickball. But he needs a team name. So let's help him out. The winner will be entered in the "free drinks" sweepstakes.
But so will everyone else.
Because Caruso averages buying 5 drinks a night due to shitty picks.
Help this man buy you drinks. |
"Paige Maclean (on the ground)"
"Accuracy Kick it to Cancer"
"Sweep the Leg"
"No Beers in My Cooler"
"Wrap It Up, B"
"Master Pickers"
"Pick Masters"
"Last Place"
"Drinks by Caruso"
Kickin' and Porky Piggin'
"Loose slots"
"Drinks on Tilt"
"Buy Week", yes it's supposed to be spelled that way, think about it.
"Has Anyone Seen My Pink Sock?"
"I Can Smell Your Bunt"
"Team Mudflaps"
"The Dirty Tebows"
"F-'em if They Can't Take a Joke"
"You've Got AIDS!"
"Shake Weight Cool-Down Spray"
Ya'll ain't right. Some funny ones though... My submission:
Two in the Bush
Spit Lickers
Mloop stompers
Kegger haters
So what name did you come up with David?
Rookie Ball? Junior Varsity? Last picks? Bye weak? Bi week? Thumbs up our asses? T-ball rejects? We failed PE? Scared of the ball? Lollygaggers? Ball scratchers? Kegger's mloops? Mud butt? Can't kick or pick? Picking our noses? Picking our butts? Picking your butts? It's almost funny (how bad we are)? It would be funny (if it wasn't so sad)? We lost to Team Fab? We hate Off Constantly? Well, you probably do, now.
Machine gun name generator off. Hopefully at least one hit the funny target.
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