Monday, May 16, 2011

DPT Newsletter - What, Perchance, Might Be this Thing You Call "Juice?"

So Blogger took a massive dump last week.  From what I've read it appears they implemented some updates which crashed their system and deleted 30 hours of posts, comments and edits.  "Allegedly" they're working on getting those lost items restored, but they sure has Hell haven't gotten to DPT yet.  I have no idea why we aren't higher on the priority list, so if you've seen anything missing or gotten error messages over the past few days, that is why.

I can't say we lost much in terms of content (only a post or two on the golf site and a few comments).  But we did lose a bunch of shit I changed in the blog code.  Not that any of you would notice, but I'm annoyed.

This brings up the issue of "Cloud Computing" and Google's Chromebook.  Almost all computing companies are pumping billions of dollars into the future of the "cloud," which is the idea that not having data stored on your machines will greatly increase performance and whatnot.  But you have to remember that a "cloud" just means your data is stored on OTHER physical machines.  So when their hardware crashes, you're screwed.  They definitely backup and store multiple copies of your data... although in Blogger/Google's recent mess that data was 30 hours stale.

So the off-season is in full swing.  Those of us who don't mind playing kickball year round are playing with KBS on Thursdays.  GKB's Thursday league should start back up mid-August, with registration opening mid-June.

There is a massive Ginnie Springs trip this weekend, which also coincides with the END OF THE WORLD!!

And don't forget the Summer Sizzle on June 11th (if Jesus hasn't returned and killed all you sinners).  Volleyball starts at 2pm so be there!

Guess that's all for now.  Go Bolts?


YellowBird said...

Should you add the end of the world to the events calendar?

bull said...

So from what I understand, all the dead people are going to rise from the grave on Saturday...then the world will be destroyed on 21Oct11.

I'm sure glad there aren't any cemeteries at Ginnie Springs! Might be one of the safest places to be.

Chandler said...

Well... not if you're toilet paper in the woman's bathroom. Then you mysteriously disappear all the time...

Litman said...

Yes. Go Bolts.