Wednesday, August 17, 2011

2011 Leif Nissen Memorial Golf Tournament

This is long over-due, as I've been organizing too many other things lately. However...

The Leif Nissen Memorial tournament is back for it's 4th installment. As mentioned previously, it'll take place on Saturday, September 24th at 1:00pm. We're finally going to try a different location, and have chosen Bardmoor Golf & Country Club. Price will be $35 per person, due BEFORE the tournament date.

We also now have a FaceBook page, for you to "like". This will keep you informed of all information regarding the tournament. Go check that out.

There will be raffle prizes again this year, which is where all of our charity donations come from (we aren't charging you extra for the golf). So bring cash to win some prizes and raise money for the foundation.

The format is the same as in the past: 4-man scramble, shotgun start, prizes going to the winner of each flight, closest-to-pin and long-drive contests. So even if your team sucks, you can still be the winner of the losers!

Finally... be sure to register ASAP. Use the PayPal link below to pay for yourself or your team. If paying as an individual, make sure you list what team you're on (or if you're a free agent). The list of registered players will be shown here.

Thanks for all the support over the years, and for keeping the memory of our beloved friend.


Geoff said...

The facebook page has the old logo... just saying; continuity is paramount in successful business branding.

Chandler said...

Haha. I'm not really in charge of that page. Clearly I would never allow such disjointness.

Alison said...

It looks to me like the "timeless" logo was used with no year attached to it. I have a feeling it may be updated soon per your suggestion. ;)

Justin "G" said...

I'm putting my money on team
gingy brown ebony ivory!