Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ask the Commish- Answers

Good first round of questions from you guys. I will try to answer them as earnestly as possible.

  1. What is the meaning of life?- It's all about doing what lights your fire. If you like to make copious amounts of alcoholic drinks and dispense them via a bug sprayer or make jokes with tons of sexual innuendo, go forth.
  2. Where do babies come from and how to avoid it?- Well, I can tell you that the pull-out method never works. Believe me!
  3. Can we push the tournament to May 5th?- Only if we have two rain outs or a severe sandspur infestation. However, a Cinco de Mayo End of the Season Party is looking pretty good right now.
  4. Can we have a 22-game season? We could, but it's going to cost you all a lot of money.

Please provide more questions. I'll provide more answers.


YellowBird said...

1. Check and Check

bull said...

But I'm off on May 5th, so of the tournament was moved I could come visit!