Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DPT Masters Challenge

Do you follow the PGA Tour?

"Fuck no! Golf is boring! Change the channel to UFC 2,083!!!"

Sigh... OK. But do you like gambling?

"Why yes... I've been known to place a dime on the spread once in awhile."

How about games like Fantasy Football? You like those?

"Wooo!! Love that shit! Let me tell you about my 8 different teams, and how I missed winning the championship by three yards and a reception..."

No, that's quite alright. Anyway, we're going to combine all those things for the Masters this year. Yeah, it's basically fantasy golf played over one weekend. But it looks promising and we love to gamble. So head on over to DPT Golf for more information and to sign up ($10 entry fee).

Or... just continue to enjoy your busted March Madness bracket.

Treasurer of the Enforce the Current Published Pitching Rules Movement
"Chicks dig the long ball. Not the strikeout."

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