Sunday, November 18, 2012

Green Salute to Desoto Park Light Post #3

The DPT Green Corner salutes this season’s silent Green Hero: Desoto Park’s Light Post #3.

If you played any game on Field #1 (affectionately known as “the Mud Pit”), you’d have noticed that a shadow effect came into play.  That’s because Light Post #3 was never on.  Not only did it add an “obstacle” into the kickball game with the “shadow effect”, which increased the Fun Factor of trying to catch a partially light Kickball, but it also helped minimize our CO2 consumption per game.  By just how much, well, now that’s the fun part when we do the math.  YAY!:
Let’s assume 1 bulb had a power rating of 1,000 Watts, and in general 1.7 pounds of CO2 is produced for every kilowatt-hour of electricity, so:

153 lbs of CO2 saved!

That’s like offsetting Litman’s CO2 emissions for a whole day!!

I also want to personally thank those that helped recycle this year.  By using just a fraction of conscious effort in throwing a beer can into the blue bin instead of the trash can, you’ve helped keep this world green, and also help lower the price of American consumer goods, because it’s much easier to get aluminum from a can than digging it out of the Ground; way easier to turn a cardboard beer box into a newspaper than cutting down a tree to do so.



Jess said...

One of your better posts, Todd! Thanks for bringing the Recycle Bins every week because lord knows the rest of our lazy asses wouldn't do it!

Alison said...

Agreed Todd. Much props to bringing those out each week. I'm always glad to see them full.

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

Jess you just liked my fancy mathematical conversion equation... NERD

FRANK said...

guaranteed todd believes in Chemtrails

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

They're contrails, not chemtrails. I'm a level headed person that accepts refutable scientific evidence accumulated from an overwhelming majority (99%) of top scientists from around the world.
But you're grossly inaccurate comment is thus ammusing.