Saturday, May 11, 2013

Crystal Pitcher Results

We actually had a tie for the Crystal Pitcher today. THEE Beer Nuts and rookies Overcoming Adversity on the Field both had 20 votes. It was decided at Stoney's to have a flip-off... with TBN winning 4-1 for the outright Crystal Pitcher award. Congrats.

Below is the voting spread:

Notes of interest:

- OAF was propped up by SuperBad, while TBN got some decent votes from 5 of 7 teams.

- The Alcoballics once again almost all voted for SuperBad. And once again SuperBad didn't return the favor. Strange relationship you kids have going on. One sided if you ask me.

-  THEE Beer Nuts, for once, didn't spread their votes out evenly in hopes of elevating their chance of winning. Seems they liked the 'Ballics this season.

- PbC got 4 votes after winning the award last season.

- The only team in the league that found the Ligers funny was OAF.

- Yes, Justin Miller did sucker punch me in the face at Stoney's after he found out he couldn't alter another grown man's opinions with empty threats. Unfortunately for him, his situation in life hasn't changed: he's still a delusional, belligerent and violent drunk (more examples to follow later in the off-season)... and I still don't respect the kid. It's a shame he even allows himself to be upset by me. I'm slightly flattered.


Anonymous said...

In the 20 plus years I've known Justin, you are the first one he's ever punched. I'm sure you earned it.

Geoff said...

First person punched by Justin... Sounds like an accomplishment. Should I add that to the trophies I need to order for the golf league?

Chandler said...

No doubt you would think so, Josh.

theligercup said...

In all the commotion, the LIger Cup escaped.

Jess said...

Growlers only get 5 votes after Paul and I kept the blog running this season? *sigh* Guess we really are douchebags. Even Faz didn't vote for us haha :(

Chandler said...

"The War of Ginger Aggression."

"The Tantrum Heard 'Round the Projects."

Eh, that last one sucks. It wasn't really that loud. Took over 20 minutes for Justin's girlfriend to even notice he was kicked out. Haha.

FRANK said...

When BANKO goes bad.. Shoulda gotten vaped

Chandler said...

'Lil Frank hogged it all. :(

!! HOT TUB PARTY TODD !! said...

I thought "this is a joke.... wait... no it isn't... well, maybe, no it aint'... but giving attention to it is making Chandler feel better about himself.. and Justin.... oooh, they got me again... oh wait, this is how the blog dies, cold, empty, meaningless... they were right"

still confused

Geoff said...

Todd...What in God's holy name are you blathering about?