Monday, May 18, 2009

Welcome to DPT

Hello friends. As all of you know, our beloved BayshoreKB has been killed (yet again). But while we would love to see it resurrected, there are still needs that must be met today. Needs of wasting time at work. Needs of laughing hysterically at asinine, childish humor. Needs of rolling our eyes at jokes which fall flat. Needs of activity planning and the sharing of ideas. Needs of drama inflaming commentary. And even needs of kickball recaps, stats and previews.

Notice our needs do not include "rick-rolling" or "dog-rats in diapers."

The first time I ever talked in length to Knowlton was at Redneck Easter 2008. It took him all of 10 seconds to recognize me as a rookie kickballer and to invite me to contribute on BayshoreKB. He then rambled on about his frustration in the ebbs and flows of the "posting seasons." Blog activity was high during the kickball months only to dissipate in the off season. He wanted to create a place on the web for our social circle to waste time and keep up with each other year round. Sure, there were social sites like MySpace and Facebook... but those weren't specific to us and our community. Knowlty Poo always envisioned a blog much bigger than kickball... and he was definitely on to something. He loved that shit. And we're sad to see it go.

So like a Phoenix rising from the ashes of BayshoreKB, ChandleRollo is proud to bring you "Donkey Punch Toboggan!" There is no telling how long this site will last... but that doesn't really concern us. For now, it will satisfy some of our needs. We are not just a stupid waste of space on the internet. We're also "a donkey punch performed at the top of a set of stairs. After the punch is performed, the limp body is ridden down to the bottom of the stairs with the penis still inserted."

Welcome to the site, and feel free to email for posting rights.


Brooke said...

"ChandleRollo" hahahaha

Chandler said...

once they figure out how to fuse our chromosomes together... we'll make the Master Race.

that... or giant sperm with backpacks. which seems to be some weird dream of Rollo's. I'm officially requesting him to post about this nonsense.

Erika said...

LMAO Giant Sperm with Backpacks... that was a conversation from like a year ago, memory like a steel trap!

Florian said...

Ah yes, the giant sperm with backpacks. That is classic Rollo. I too want Rollo to post about this.

Rollo said...

Sperm with a backpack is something i came up with to make the car ride interesting. I remember it got real quiet so I decided to try to get the convo going. Giant sperms with backpacks would rule. Wouldn't need a woman. Just spooge one out and raise it up to be a big man sperm. The story of it is better told in person though

Hello Kimmy said...

Congrats ChandleRollo! It appears you've won the blog war.

Oh, and giant sperm with backpacks... that's some funny stuff!

Florian said...

Think we were actually chatting about it the day before the camping trip, Rollo. Does that mean I was the first to hear about the sperm with their little sperm backpack?

Rollo said...

I am pretty sure it all started in the car ride and yes you and Chand were the first to hear this wonderful idea!

As for the blog war i hope Jeanette likes, and enjoys her blog. She is more than welcome to stay there and rick roll herself allll day long ;oP

Chandler said...

and it was in the car ride up to Gennie Springs. we were woman-hating at the time if I recall correctly... hahaha

Dawn said...

I am happy to go where ever the entertainment is. I could clean the house or pay attention to my son. I rather sit here at the computer and laugh at all the funny stuff :)

Don't know about the gaint sperm, but it does sounds, interesting.

SarahB said...

Email where for posting rights....

Chandler said...

You don't get them.

j/k. I'll send the email to you in a minute. But after that you better shut it, Sarah!

SarahB said...

LOL you shut it :)